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Very nice

Very nice and unique group of characters the sprite element here is very nice and seems like this took you some good time and efforts here i like the mix and various characters and creatures good art design here

Each and every on bring something unique and different so the effort and passion on your design really show off well and im impressed with every little character and creature would have loved more sparkle and shine but otherwize this was some very nice creations keep at it



This was a fresh looking group of characters all placed together and what jumps out at me the most here is the vibrant colors used and the face expressions really came to represent so awsome job a goid group of characters keep up the good efforts


This was cool

So this was a cool piece the neon like red lines seem to remind me of tron for sone reason all the lights and small effects play off well on this especially with the small animated points really nice flow here and great line work as stated

The animation on the whole piece is smooth and sharp no hiccups there and does seem to just flow with ease the art style brings on some nice color use and elements so with all that said it was a pleasure to review this i really enjoyed your work and efforts



This was a nice design and art piece here you have created some nifty elements and this one being in black and white was a nice touch seems like you have a nice process to this too so nice work here and hope you make more



So this was notbad the characters are nice and this was a pretty simple piece and you shiwcased them well with some simple yet complex details like the shoes was a nice simple visual with good overall detail i also like the expression on the female characters face good and fun time she is having

I do think some addition of backround detail would be a plus here like more texture maybe a scene of the two characters world or more darker colors so that the characters detail come alive even more but overall this was a fun little piece here so awsome work here


Very nice

So first of all this was some very nice work i especially love what you have done here with the sleek shine and sparkle could even have more of that the expresson on the characters face is also a very good one indeed and you do some very nice details and those lines just form so well on this character

And speaking of the character you really pushed the limits on such said emotion and expression and now that little creature on her backside a very nice touch and adding in some nice smooth animation even if it was a short loop still came out very well and i was impressed with this character as a whole so awsome job



And here we arrive at number 750 thats a hell of a lot of issues and you started simple and have built this comic into magnificent entry like this issue and love the backround detail like the small things trees and leaves and those nifty details the characters always come alive in this one and the adventure is a plus



An awsome piece here a really nice character the black and white and even matellic like visual is really nice and reflecting the fact you added some bits of color like the eyes was a nice touch so nice details there

The character design with some very smooth lines really comes out well also that matellic look is so sleek and just jumps off the page and i really enjoyed this and love what you did with the eyes anyways great work indeed look forward to even more


A fan fave

So as soon as i seen the visual on this it was an instant fave for me so right to the faves list i have seen your work over the years and you really bring on the deep details like the jacket the expression on his face to the star lit night

But besides that you have really showcased some nice character art i may even suggest more sparkle on the stars maybe a shine from the jacket or even a glow from the photo anyways it was a pleasure to review your work here



This is always nifty to see the process of it all and you gave it a still in this one so notbad at all the themed art is nice here and really helps to create the world here for sure something thats close to your heart

Stop motion is not easy but seems like you really have created something unique and different especially with the scene backrounds but overall a really nice piece of work i like it so please do keep up the amazing creations as you have designed here


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