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Some backstory

Good tohave the back story on this allthough the visuals kind of explain this looks like a lot of action going on in this scene so was pretty impressed good results too


The victim

Well i guess he is the victim but have to say your artsy style and creative design seems to really come alive the color base has some deep texture on this and some really nice visual effects and love that color texture

The cretive mind here is flowing well love the unique changes on the facial visuals and it just really brings out some nice creative element so for that you get some props great and creative art piece here i have gone and added this one to my faves list its a beautiful piece



And once again another thrilling issue here what i like about these is they are always related to something but also bring on good humor the differrent scenes are nice like the moon shot one


Sharp and edgy

A sharp and edgy look on sailer moon the pose is great the backround is nice has a nice wave going and really love the shading here seema like you could put her in an action scene of sorts but regardless a nice character

That backround was nice but would be cool if you had more design maybe even some effects and such and once again a great character with lots of detail



I like this for a number of things but love the toony color blend you have created here and creates a whole scene so nice backround and its own world here its actually a pleasent scene a nice element of color

The character was pretty good a nice sitting pose just doing her thing you made it so natural i think the only changes i may add would be some added birds and flowers etc i do like the comical element you added here based on the trees expression



Now this is a beautiful piece the charcol like colors are so nice and gives off this pistal color all the combinations of the eye and flower was just nice place points so nice touch there the white backround was also brilliant allowing everything to come out

The lavander or purple flower was nice the detail within the flower itself was very nice shows really nice lines forming it all i would have loved some frames on this to top it off but overall this was a beautiful piece of art and love the paint style



I myself dont know too much about atomic blonde but based on the visual here there is lots of nifty detail its those small details that make this shine this piece has a sharp and crisp visual from her body to all the arms

And speaking of the arms it was nice to ser some variation on all the props and such even going as far as making a midway frame was really nice it was simple so that the focus is on atomic blonde character anyways great art piece here


More fused glass nice

This is something i would love to give a try at the creative side really comes out with an intense feel and visual on this piece and the color really jumps out at you too so mice job a very nice glass element here here.

There was not much shine on the visual but you can tell there is some the fact that you created some cats here is very nice and the form of the cat was spot on good simple details would love to see a step by step process anyways great creative design here


Cool glass

Wow this is actually pretty nice i never worked with fused glass but looks nice the pic here doesnt seem to do the actual glass any justice as the real product is more of a beautiful sight

I can almost see the glare and shine off the glass element but again the pic doesnt allow for a full visual effect but overall its a beautiful creation and really nice submission



Now this here is pretty amazing i really love the paint style and just flows with a visual amazing piece and you gave it the perfect title for what you have expressed here perfect expression as you can almost feel it

Its pieces like this that really jump out at you and grab you thats what this one did for me and i really love that paint style you bring here anyways keep up the good work its an amazing piece and i look forward to even more


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