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Very cute

So this one here was very "CUTE" and I especially love the "RED-AND-BLUE" really nice work with the colors my onlything about this whole piece is that you could have added some backround color or detail aswell, besides all that this was pretty amazing work here.

my onlything about this whole piece is that you could have added some backround color or detail aswell


Very nice

So this was "COOL" you have some nice "VIEW" here with this one it is a great action scene, I think if you added more splash in the water it would be just right, seems to need more spalsh and waves from the action, you have some really nice work here though and I am pretty impressed with what you got going on here, keep at it.

if you added more splash in the water it would be just right, seems to need more spalsh and waves from the action


Very nice

So there is some nice "ELEMENTS" here on this one, love the glowing effects too and its another halloween very nice work here on this one love all the use of color, and another art piece that I will not suggest any changes because frankly it doesnt need any kinds of changes its brilliant as is, otherwise all that keep up the amazing work.

I will not suggest any changes because frankly it doesnt need any kinds of changes its brilliant as is


Nice comic

Haha I love this one and may be my newest "FAVE" great view shots in each scene here, a good topic too, no changes in this particyular submission as you have presented some really nice artwork here, so keep making great art, A nice comic you have here This was the perfect dose of an interesting style and you made it work, you made it jump out at you So I do like whats going on in this particular one especially with what you did with the ending and made it just fun, this is not a boring comic by any means but would love to see more stuff going on here and there, but besides all that props to you on a nice entry great comic here.

no changes in this particyular submission as you have presented some really nice artwork here, so keep making great art


Teh cake is a lie

Ok so this one here is ok here and not bad but a bit small. I know pixel art can be small due to the theme and size of it all, but I feel you could have added more to this in terms of size and maybe a setting. Maybe have people around the cake have their hands in the air or just animating the candles of the cake would have been a nice addition to this piece. I do like it tho and it is good for something new in your pixel artwork. I think keep it up, but maybe try the suggestions for the next one.

Maybe add more characters to this or animate it next time you do a pixel piece


Cyberdevil responds:

XD Was wondering when someone would say that! This is true cake though. The cake is the truth.

I agree, would've liked to make something bigger too, but in lack of time I uploaded a game resource I had already made, and so... this was it this time. Do hope to do more next year!

Love the reds

The "RED" color tone on this is pretty amazing here, the black backing works well with the red so really nice work here on this one, I think its subtle but all the space has been used and thats a plus, For sure with this art piece no changes needed on this one you have a swell piece here, keep up the amazing work.

For sure with this art piece no changes needed on this one you have a swell piece here



I think you have a great ability to make text into art. You should be creating fonts for sites as I do love the way your font looks in all of your art. You can tell you didnt just type it out but gave it real character. I love the textures inside everything and even the textures and patterns inside each background piece is nice to look at. I would add a border tho that fits the text and fix a small black error I see in the top left corner. Other then those bits of critique I do think you have a good talent and I hope to see more like this in the future.

Just add a border and fix a small black error


Cyberdevil responds:

I have been considering that actually. :) Found myself a service to make your own through a scanned set of letters. Just gotta start testing it out. Solid advice, and glad you liked this one too, thank you!

Very nice

Very nice "WORK" some added color or detail on these older classics would be nice, A very nice entry once again I could drop in on any one of your entries and always find some exciting adventure like this particular one it has "KEPT-ME-EXCITED" and wanting even more so "NICE-JOB-HERE" on this one and keep making some fun and adventure filled comics.

some added color or detail on these older classics would be nice


Another adventure

An "EXPLOSION" of a lifetime even in "1sr CLASS" lol Well here we have another adventure with these crazy and wild characters this comic strip is pretty nifty with some unique and even dynamic outcomes, "SOME-GREAT-HUMOR" such as this particular one I got "A-GOOD-CHUCKLE" from the ending here, you have some nice humor in these.

Some color on thse old ones would be pretty cool,


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