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Brilliant group

And here was a"BRILLIANT" put together group of characters here I am loving the "GLOW" in the backround, so in my opinion you dont need to change anything on this piece as you have trully outdone yourself on this art piece and its fine as is, Let this Bloom and shine thats what I saw here today, While some parts could be better on this you seem to be dedicated to other areas which made this to be a refreshing piece of art. This was a Satisfying and even somewhat Mythical piece I hope this Feedback helps to improve on future stuff, So as my eyes lay out the visual here, It reminds me that its a pleasure to see stuff like this, especially this particular piece it brings something different and unique to the end product.

so in my opinion you dont need to change anything on this piece as you have trully outdone yourself on this art piece and its fine as is


ThatOneMotherfucker responds:

Not gonna lie, I woke up this morning and saw this. This has made my morning. Thank you!


I do find this one to be not bad and interesting. I do think your use of white space here is a bit bad, but nothing terrible. I would add more background features or textures and maybe even some designs to draw it all together. I understand with portraits that you need a focus on the main character but I feel based on your other work you could add so much more to the background here. I love the parot thing on the shoulder the most, it does have a top hat afterall, and the general teeth expression this man has as a character. I think that your cartoon art style is very unique and I hope more comes from this.

I would add some more details to the background and limit the white space being unused.


Cyberdevil responds:

Hmmm that white background's really not the main focus you know. XD But you're right there is a bit much of it. Character could've been closer instead. And better centered. Might actually crop this one a bit... good noticing.


So this was a nice and "SIMPLE" piece here I like the "SIMPLISTIC" element here and you created a story along with it, and it was a plus for me, the art is simple the idea is amazing maybe you could add some subtle backround details a wall a design something back there, anyways great stuff here.

maybe you could add some subtle backround details a wall a design something back there


This was cool

And when I say "COOL" i mean ice cool like the submission details lol, these top ten entries are pretty good and some good funny moments and sometimes truthfull, so nice work here, great addition here to the portal, the blue text seemed kind of small, but was still readble.

the blue text seemed kind of small, but was still readble


Great element

This was a great "700TH" entry here you sure have come a long way with the series so congrats, And here we are with more great element from another fine entry here, you have for sure braught "MANY-CHUCKLES" and entertainment with your series here as this was just a "FANTASTIC-SUBMISSION" I especially love how this one plays out the humor is always great.

Cant change whats already great



So this was pretty beautiful, I think at the very "TOP-CORNER" it could use some "SPARKLE" to show off all the shine it already has, you have a really nice design here and all the lighting effects are pretty good, you do some really nice work here hope to see more soon.

I think at the very top corner it could use some sparkle to show off all the shine it already has


Strange one

So this was cool, this piece was sort of a "STRANGE" one there was a good "MIX" of different elements intertwined on your character, this piece does need some added backround detail it was a bit bland in the backround I could really see you spicing it up a tad more maybe some scene or props or some patern of design back there,

this piece does need some added backround detail it was a bit bland in the backround I could really see you spicing it up a tad more maybe some scene or props or some patern of design back there



wow I love this especially the "FLAME" red like hair it throws a viusal idea maybe making a border on the edges here with the red flame like hair, A fantastic piece you have here, there are some points i may get to later that you could improve on but for the mostpart it was pretty nifty I thought, I did find this to be Delightful and just an overall piece, allthough some areascould be improved and I will get into that. Alright so I will throw some props at you as this was a pleasure of an art piece and these types of piece is what really gets me inspired to review things like this, so nice job.

a viusal idea maybe making a border on the edges here with the red flame like hair


DidiEsmeralda responds:

Thanks XwaynecoltX for your suggestions I will keep you in mind.

Really cool

This was deep and some really nice blend and meshing here of the character, lots of "ENERGY" in this one, would have liked a larger view sceen here maybe more stuff or alien like elements in the backround, You are a Dedicated artist with some Grand ideas and nifty Polish but you are probably Accustomed to that style of blend and Finally I can call this a Symbolic piece of Freshness, And the art detail and effort shows also bringing some good energy and thats what you did here. Well before I go, Gotta say that this one really stands out and shows off your talent and I do hope to see more of your owrk soon, untill then keep up the great work.

would have liked a larger view sceen here maybe more stuff or alien like elements in the backround


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