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A good bird

Another good art piece here and you made some nice colors here that themed well with eachother really love the sketch details that really bring the bird itself together so this was a nice touch here i love the simple of it all making for a nice and complex design of the bird anyways keep making awsome designs


Cant go wrong here

Well as said you cant go wrong here the letter Q has always had a deep meaning for me but with this Q it is some amazing work love that color theme style you are doing on these again think a fancy frame and or border would be nice on this piece

The expression on his face is what caught my attention as soon as i seen this capturing the emotion in the face is a plus and you really made that come alive so nice job indeed besides that i found this to be a very nice and well detailed piece of art so please do keep it up


Nice portrait

Well this here was a nice portrait of warf the toned color theme is nice but do think something could be in backround maybe a mixture of colors or shades but this was pretty nice work

The detail with the toned color still comes out and ligyting effects still shine well on this one and just an overall nice visual portrait of warf onlything it may need is some sort if fancy frame and or borser element just a small idea though overall you have a really nice piece of art here so please do keep it up


Not simple

So i found this minut not so simple infact it had some more of the complex shades and detaild like the head piece and some real solid work i especially like the dark look and element here it not simple by any means and thats what i like about this piece

The shine was a nice touch too you bring on some nice glare like on tye sword and really made for a nice effect and with the dark shades in the backround really shines through so awsome job all together anywayd keep up the awsome art style


Nice and simple

So i would say this is one of the more simple ones but its perfect as is really love the pose here nice and simple and just giving it tye simple rout was nice the shine on that sword was pretty good maybe an added sparkle could have topped it off

You bring out the complex and detail within this piece the standing over a dead body was also a nice touch so with all that said this was pretty cool


Wolod responds:

Thank you very much. I tried my best to capture that heroic posture :)


This is a nice piece and has a dark creepy element like the minit is searching through a dark closet and lets the light from the flashlight showcase the darkness a good brightness comes off the flashlight and onto the character so nice effects there thats a cool effect

I almost feel like you could do more of these or make an ongoing comic of sorts as this has some good story potential and good depth the details of the light and dark really play a huge detail and effect role here and i was pretty impressed anyways keep up thw good work


Snackers responds:

thanks dude!


Not sure whats going on here but looks like an action scene i do have to say i like the simple element of this and the shadowing comes in very nice you have added some nice detail and makes me want to see more its stuff like this that i really like to see evolve even more


Solid comic

Now this was a solid comic and work of art from each frame with all the characters and the main character with some aluring posee and some really good dialog and even comical at times but also you bring some deep details i love how the pages go from top to bottom

The story goes well and some nice backround details you really push the details and really hope to see more like this one as it does seem to continue some how but overall i really had fun with this well detailed comic anyways keep up the amazing comic works


Nice minit

So this was really nice i like the minit guy and the flow of animation slow at first but picks up you really have a nice idea about animating him the sword was nice might have been cool with some animated sparkles here and there maybe even some added backround sparkles

The fact this was in black and white you really bring out some nice details and i know its meant to be black and white maybe a new version with some added color would be cool buthonestly this was a nice art piece here and love the added animation anyways keep it going strong



Ok i dont k know who akumi is but she looks pretty good and there is a lot of visual detail that stands out like all the little props and such i especially love the backround used very nice touch and with that said a very nice character of work here anyways keep up the amazing efforts in art


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