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Another good one with animation and i especially love how the wording text drops down and was pretty smooth in the animation with that dropdown element and how his head slumbers down seems to have flowed well with the animation

And as for Garfield such a great and classic character seems like ao much can be done maybe even some animated movie the art and animataion on this submission was really nice and it was a pleasent arat piece but anyways please do keep up the good art work



I dont know who Abigail is but seems like its an adventure all together and you have gone and created a wild art piece with some sort of action scene its nifty with the simple style and colors always a nice light tough on art anyways nice work here on this submission



Well this was actually notbad the animation flows well and is smooth even in this art portal format would be nice to see more animation in the film portal part of the site the character art is pretty nice simple but good efforts regardless this was a nice little submission here so keep it up


Nice work

Well these seem pretty good and while i dont know too much about moths seems like you have captured there element and with some amazing and even realistic detail and thats a plus and it just came alive with the light visuals i could see you expanding onto it with some more backround detail too



Well first off ill start by saying that this was pretty intense especially the detail and texture of the skin tone you really made it look unique and different and thats what i really enjoyed about this piece the big nose was a plus on this and a big chin on top of that

The color texture is deep and well processed and has this paint like style and thats another unique element that drew me towards this backround was a nice touch too maybe ad in some fancy kind of frame of sorts or unique border to add to all the detail of this unique and intense portrait



Well this was actually good starts off slow but really builds up into each new frame was impressed with the end frames and such but still a fin toon i like the added color at the end anyways good comic here love the drawings and how the direction of it so nice job on this comic


Comick responds:

Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed this mini comic, I hope to do more of these in the future

Wow nice

Now this is for sure something that just speaks volumes and jumps out at you with the shine and design itself that color really is deep and nice i use to do some designs like this back in the day with some detailed element so i know cant be easy but looks like you really went all out here its. Some nice visual of design even without color would be intense

You can just see each strand just winding into the next so beautiful design i have added this as one of my faves because not only do i love these but its a beautiful piece to admire the color and shine came alive too with the shine in all the right spots so awsome job indeed i look forward to even more from you



Now this here is a beautiful piece almost has a paint style feel the view shot looking upwards into the sky i almost feel like more lighting or even a beam of light could be beaming down onto the grass overall tgis is a real nice visual here very impressed

Also loved what you dis with the grass giving it a anime style almost but some nice color and the mountains came off very nice too so awsome job indeed this whole piece was a beautiful sight from tye mountains to the upwards view and the grass so awsome work here



Well once again another cool comic here and this one keeps on going with all sorts of action the color and detail jumps out at you with some impressive elements really good energy and detail in this one so nice work indeed


Love this

Now this was another nice piece and you seem to always have some nice color themes going on the lighter lines really have an almost glow and i even think adding more glow would make it even more unique then it already is.

Also love what you did with the backround not going too crazy but still adding on some small details makes it a nice piece its not just a solid base but makes the whole piece vibe more with a vibrant . but regardless it was a pleasure to find some nice artwork like this so keep it going


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