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So this was a beautiful piece you have "CREATED" I love the "GREEN" like element here, very fine detail on the hair here was some really nice work here love the deep texture and nice line detail, but most of all its is realistic and came alive so nice job here.

Make more like this one.



Rayman is adorble, a good pose for this popular character, the backround I thaught you could have some added colors maybe some borders maybe some neon like vibrant backround to accent the character better, but otherwise you have done a great job here it was an amazing submission.

I thaught you could have some added colors maybe some borders maybe some neon like vibrant backround to accent the character better



Some nice and "ARTISTIC" color here love all the color used, its the yellow backround I thaught could have done better, maybe some added color or some texture in the backroun to give it some type of depth to it somehow, just a small idea to improve on the backround, you have a nice piece here regardless.

the yellow backround I thaught could have done better, maybe some added color or some texture in the backroun to give it some type of depth to it somehow, just a small idea to improve on the backround


Beautiful bird

So this was nice a beautiful "BIRD" here, I am also enjoying the shine on the bird and you have a really deep backround aswell made this a whole lot of quality to this piece, the green element specs could have more of a glow to them, besides all that this was some nice detail and nice bird and character.

the green element specs could have more of a glow to them


Oh nice

So first of all congrats on the one thousand followed that a nice achievement for this site glad you push lots of great art here I would love to see more from you very soon I like the detail you push forward

None as it's an achievement piece


Another great piece

So this was another great piece of art here, I really like the art style here, the texture is nice on the fur, I do think you could ad a simular frame here that has a fur like visual then it would accent the character even, just a small idea to think on, besides that this was a cool piece.

I do think you could ad a simular frame here that has a fur like visual then it would accent the character even, just a small idea to think on



So this was pretty "FRESH" art here now ofcourse you could ad some subtle detail in the backround just some small ones that will accent the main focus, but you have created a nice art piece here very pleasent piece here so nice job on this and hope you create even more fresh art styles.

you could ad some subtle detail in the backround just some small ones that will accent the main focus


Wow so beautiful

I love myself some SciFi "CITY" senes just like you have presented here, I would suggest adding some cars with lights driving like its an active city or something along them lines, You have the Ambition for unique stuff like, This was neat and strange and very impressive, it has a certain artistic feel to the art style and it was just strange but that was a good thing, I really liked it, And I really like the Rapid Presentation But Finally I will come to an end here with this review in a bit, Well I do hope to see more work of yours, But with all that said, one thing I will say is that this was a fun piece of artwork, and a pleasure to review.

I would suggest adding some cars with lights driving like its an active city or something along them lines


Kamikaye responds:

THanks !
I admit, I forgot about cars and stuff while doing the color overpass. I experimented with some holo ads etc. but deleted them again.

Really nice work here

So this was some nifty "WORK" I think you could have done a lot more here "ESPECIALLY" with that pencil like maybe show that he or you have drawn all in the backround some design then come to the signature, might make it a more nifty piece of art here, you have a great character here though,

I think you could have done a lot more here especially with that pencil like maybe show that he or you have drawn all in the backround some design then come to the signature


Simple and good

Oh good I am glad you are trying something else out here, I do like the use of lego and not another Luffy piece (no offense because as they are good, they get a bit boring). I like the red you picked out and the line shine detailing inside the lego block is pretty accurate. I think the font under it is great and you have a nice steady hand for fonts but you know I enjoy those already. I do think the white space here is okay but a border wouldnt hurt, maybe smaller legos as a border? I do think this one was good and nice to look at.

A border could be added, maybe small legos all around in a square? Just an idea but nice job


Cyberdevil responds:

No offense taken, though if you're going through my older work... best prepare yourself. ;) Smaller legos hmm, that could be something! Thanks for the review!

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