
17,993 Art Reviews

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so this was a nice and simple piece of art here you bring out some simple colors but thats what I liked about it the character are having fun and theres some nice pleasent colors used so overall its a nice and cute piece here make more soon.

Make more soon.



This was pretty nice and is more of an advert of sorts but the art within this piece is pretty good with a nice cat element a steamy character design and just a nice rfreshing look to this character, so that alone is a plus, and I like it so nice job.




This was different but was also very comical and entertaining I like the simple art and charater detail simple but fun wish there was more color added but overall this was some funny and entertaining work so please do keep up the good work here anyways nice job.

None needed here


Very nice

The akumi wars not sure what that is but what i do know is that this is a special piece with some reallygood details and even after effects that really create this poster like element.

I especially love the effects and the neon glows like eyes and other elements that really make this a solid piece of art the combo of characters really come alive with each its own unique detail and thats a plus so awsome job and hope you embrace us with even more amazing art submissions



A beautiful bird here and once again some very nice line work its those little details that come out and well detailed within all of your work but this was impressive with how the lines synk into each new one to form a beautiful bird so keep doing what you do and showcase even more talented work of art


Nice mouse

This was a cool mouse the linework within the mouse was really good so some nice line detail the black and white theme is always a plus i think adding a colored frame would be one idea to mix it up but regardless of any changes but its still some very nice work indeed


Very nice

This has some very nice depth to it and by that i mean some deeper meaning as you did state the concept of this is very creative and vibrant love the use of color on this you braught it to life with all the visions of your friend and the visual showcases that very well

I actually wish more people did more art pieces luke this or more creative ones so you get props from me because it shows your beautiful talents and brings to life one friends joys anyways keep up the good work as always this was a pleasure and and enjoyed it



Now i find this to be a beautiful piece of work not just because of the simplicity of it all but you bring a nice dark element like the dark backround and clouds and her just wandering along you show some awsome texture like the ground and the mist it just comes at you in this

The character is in a mystic distance visual and that really plays well with the whole scene almost want to see some small lighting seep through the clouds and trees but regardless this was some solid work indeed and had fun reviewing this one so keep it up


Astro boy

Well ofcourse the animation on this was smooth just like your other animated art as for this astro boy was a nice piece to ficus on the colors are vibrant and really came off well even the shadows off the arms was another nice touch

The character as mentioned is well done and you really bring on a vibrant visual and great use of color kind of wish there was more to the backround more showcasing astro boys world or havoc lol but would have been nice to have some added detail in the backround but anyways great rendittion of astro boy


Wow nice

Now that has to be one of the better pixel animated sonics around the animation just simply flowed along like nothing else and thats what impressed me the most even the sparkle off the ring was such a nice touch so really nice work on this sonic art animated style keep up the nifty pixel work


gatekid3 responds:

ah. thanks. this was an old one so im glad it at least somewhat holds up.

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