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Now this was an intense piece and a beautiful portrait you really bring the dark element and lighting effects alive with this one and really made it look real think all it needs is a frame or fancy border of some type

So adding a fancy frame element or unique related border would be a plus on this one something that reflects the portrait would be nice but overall love what you did here especially with the lighting effects on the eye anyways nice cable portrait here keep up the amazing arts


Wow nice

Wow this was nice you have some nice and dynamic skills and a dynamic view that really brings the whole visual alive. Wish you had some color versions or even some spota of color that would be a real plus but besides all that these are pretty nifty anyways keep up the good work i look forward to even more


A beautiful one

Now this one is most impressive really liked the detail within this piece a really nice cour yard and work of art really a beautifull design here would love to see this even more advanced. Such as a colored version or even done in a computer form with added effects and such


Very impressive

This was very impressive the shadows alone are pretty good then the detailed line work you have some really nice talents and showcase it very well on This one so nice work indeed i really liked this


Wow nice

Now this was a really nice art piece with the whole galaxy there you have a lot of stuff going on here and it was a pretty solid piece here the effects and lumminating lighting points really come thru well here so overall i have no suggestions for change as this was some solid work all on its own so nice job


Very nice pixel

At first i didnt think this was pixel but this was pretty awsome the fine details shine and its a good version of thanos so props to you on a beautiful piece of art and great rendittion of pixel talents so nice job indeed anyways keep up the awsome work


Simple and complex

Now while this is a pretty amazing character there are some nice and simple moment of visual here but also has its own complex detail and element love what you did with the gold element here there could be some small touch ups

Touch ups like the gold could have even more sparkle ofcourse just an idea but i would even suggest adding on some backround world or elemwnt of where he came from traveled from but besides all that this was a pretty impressed character as is so nice job here


This is nice

This was nice and really has that scifi element just wish it did have more like some flickering stars maybe a distant moon but as you said it was part of a bigger project but does look pretty nice so please do keep up the amazing work of art anyways untill next time


Very impressive

This was a beautiful design and nice vibrant colors i thaught the blues came off well and was overall a beautiful bird design and creation so really nice work indeed hope to see more like this down the road very impressed here


Good stuff

Her classic pose and you have captured it just perfectly the dark backround seems to accent her too and very well so nice job there lots of nice fine details that make up the classic character so well done here was pretty impressed

On the suggestion side of things i think adding some lumminating effects from the dark backround could be a plus on this piece but overall this was some nice work on a classic character from the past


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