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Well the color is really jumping here on this piece and love the flow of the wave as all the greens and limes flow like a river you have a way with detail within the color itself and thats what I took away from this as for any changes maybe some more color in the backend but maybe the fainted color was the intent, besides that it is nice work and enjoyed the color flow in this one.

as mentioned


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank you!


These art trades are nice this was a comical like character a good smile expression and really like the bright and vibrant colors used the happy go go luck feel is nice here

Its like a classy portrait here i would even go as far as adding a fancy frame and or border on this piece something with color to reflect the focus but regardless this was an amazing art piece so keep up the nice art creations.


Love it

Now this was something different but still similar and you really make that water color come alive a good bubby like character and all in all is a nice character even has a steamy visual here but overall this was another awsome commiasion that you have graced us with so keep at it as long as you can


This is nice

Another nice commission but have to say you did an awsome job with details and while i may say that often. You really pushed the details like the colored belt the pants the nifty hat and that gold chain.

All nice stuff i did think the more shiny points could have had more sparkle and maybe some added backround would have been a real plus here but other then that this was an awsome character and commission so do keep up the nice work.


I like it

I really like this one i love that you put two views on this one and you really give it a unique view. I know there are restrictions on commissions and such but the two different views are nice.

you showcase some nice details within the views from little details like the flower and the wagon allthough there is a bland backround it was still fitting but the whole piwce from a commission standard was really well done and i liked it anyways once again nice work.


Nice watercolor

So once again you have presented some nice water color here and you sure do lots of comissions. And you do some quality commissions at that so props to you on some quality work.

The character itself is nice and nice shine effects and details bring out the character and make it look easy. Throwing out the peace sign was nice some very nice blends of color and overall a beautiful character and a nice commision. Anyways keep up the fantastic art style.



Its kind of like its very own christmas tree and you have some nice details here i do think some added light glow or shine could be nice but as it is a commission its pretty cool and enjoyed this piece as i do all of your pieces of work so keep making amazingly work of arts.


Nice wip

So while this was just the wip and such you can see the beautiful lines smooth details that this will become a very nice character and love how you showcased this wip so please do keep it up. So keep doing what you do and create even more amazing characters.



Another beautiful piece you create some amazing characters and bring out some nice details like the outfit was good with its texture. I did think adding some sparkley stars and glowing elements in the backround would be a plus.

But besides that this was some amazing work love the fine character details and nice visuals this character really came out well so really nice job indeed and do hope to see more. Anyways untill next time keep the creative mind flowing.


This is beautiful

Now this is a beautiful piece here and the pulling of the clothing was a nice touch indeed i like the colorful elements here. The backround was notbad either kind of all came together well. Overall a good character with some steamy elements amyways keep up the good work.


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