
17,993 Art Reviews

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Cool Car Design

Love what you did here with color and even the sparkle on the lights A cool car design here it was unique and all the fine lines are smooth and sharpe and make the visual of the car jump out at you with some nice detail here you have some good skills in some car designs and it shows off here so nice work here I look forward to more car drawings and designs.


Sharko responds:

Thank you, bro. I always appreciate thoughtful feedback

A battle

This was nice work and its like a battle scene taking place the dark purples look good too Its things like this that I have come to really enjoy because they show the true energy and style that are within these kinds of art pieces, This is something fantastic for sure right from the start with some nice view points, I like the work you have done here the quality shows and you bring out the detail well, I have been accustomed to all sorts of styles this one was different and just overall a nice art piece, I look forward to even more from you but untill then keep up the amazing work and ideas.


Nice color

I like the two different versions here the color version was really nice This is something fantastic for sure right from the start with some nice view points, I like the work you have done here the quality shows and you bring out the detail well, I have been accustomed to all sorts of styles this one was different and just overall a nice art piece.


GENC responds:

Nice and thoughtful review!

Creative Sprite work

Oh nice its megatron Nice and unique it really showcases well with the visual here, you have some great imagination with the sprite work here and I really "LIKE-YOUR-DIRECTION" with this one it has its own unique style but is also "VERY-CREATIVE" in its own way so really nice sprite work here.


A unique sprite art piece

Nice its spongebob some nifty sprite work here and its a pleasure to review such a beautiful art piece in some sprite form so really nice work, sprite work from the old games are always nice and its nice to see the sprite work here in this is really nifty looking and with some nice detail


Detailed sword

Very nice work here would have loved more shine and sparkle on the blade A good piece of art here, some good little nifty visual details and thats what really caught my eye Its nice detailed and a fantastic weapon of choice, its art pieces like this that always draw my attention you have an eye for detail especially when it comes to swrods.


A fun and wild entry

I like this did think more detail within the backround would have been nice some great effort goes into something like this and you have really showcased that very well, A fun and wild entry that you have created here with this one and I have really enjoyed it, not just from a fan of art but as a reviewer and enjoyed reviewing this piece of great artwork.


Cool car design

These cars are creatures and makes sense very nice texture too Wish more people made car elements and designs like this but regardless you have impressed me I like the added efforts and detail within the submission a car design is not easy but you made it look good, awsome design here a pleasure to review this submission.


Nifty car design

Lots of nice cars here and good variety of color too A nice and nifty design with this one and was pleased with the outcome, you really have some talent in making these types of designs, wish more people made car elements and designs like this but regardless you have impressed me and I do hope to see more like this in the portal one day.


Fun character

This was pretty good nice use of color and he is in action mode, love that sparkle on the sword, A magnificent portal find this time great efforts here today its always nice to see stuff like this come around the portal now and then, I get lots of exhilaration from this you ignite the fire within the art, So keep doing what you do as you have done here today.


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