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This was very artistic and very creative love the dark colors too along with some black and white details, Props to you on a unique and interesting idea here so nice effort here, im no expert but this is pretty good if you ask me its clearly nice visually, you have some good ideas here and I like what you have done here today, You have shown the desire in this piece, And now as I end this review on this awsome piece of work.


Well notbad

A very colorful one nice well this was notbad sprite work is always amazing theres so much you can do with it and they always bring out some amazing styles of glistering shine and detail so "NICE-DETAIL" you have here on this one, I like the sprite work you have presented here and look forward to even more.


PsychedelicSamurai responds:

Hey, thanks! I haven't done pixel art in a very long time actually. But I'm glad you like this one even after 5 years! Maybe I should make some pixel art again. I do enjoy doing it.

Amazing Sprites

I like the animation on this one love the small points that shine off well so nice job indeed this was one of those art pieces that really makes the sprite look good and you have done all that showcasing the fine details so props to you for that I love your efforts and details.


Nice sword

These could be larger and maybe some added shine swords are not easy to do but you did a fantastic job here, Its nice detailed and a fantastic weapon of choice especially for creating some art and you have gone out of your way to get this one done so nice job here, I like your style and detail on this one.


Nice Sword Design

You really know how to make the shine sparkle like metal very nice really nice work here, you have some good skills here some nice talent and your art creation of the sword really shows off well This was a Nice Sword Design with some unique style to it swords are unique anyways but this was a nice representation of it so really good work here.


Interesting car design

Nice and simple I do think some added backround would be a plus, you really have some talent in making these types of designs, I like the added efforts and detail within the submission a car design is not easy but you made it look good so that was a plus for this reviewer and new fan of your work so keep at it.

None at this time


McSpeedster2000 responds:

I have updated the submission to look more decorated and the absence of a background is intentional to only focus on the car.

A nice design

Love the different cars in place some really nice details on all of them this piece could use a fancy frame of sorts, its stuff like this that keep my interest so make more car designs like this one this was really nice and glad I had found this one so props to you on a nifty design, you really have some talent in making these types of designs so do make more.


Scissors7 responds:

thank you man! although i didnt design any of these lol, all of them are real cars

Very good character

You have some talent especially on character work like this, love the gradient element also feel like some added shine could be added here, Something very interesting and unique I guess you could say it kind of grew on me another good find, Very engaging. Its always good to come across different and unique styles of art but now we do come to the end of this review or close to it and before I go just want to say this was pretty good stuff.



This was different a nice design and especially love the texture and color used here, A really fun idea you have created here I am overwhelmed at how attractive the detail here is, You have some good talant on here and it shows with this piece, I have to say this was some nice work and some nice efforts, you for sure know what you are doing and it shows.


Great and amazing sprite work

its a sprite for sure lol Some nifty and unique sprite work and thats one thing that you showcase very well here the unique details seem to shine well Great and amazing sprite work and I cant say that enough because this was some really nice work you have some beautiful detail of work here.


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