
17,993 Art Reviews

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Fantastic sprite work

This one was nice very fresh and elegant Some fantastic sprite work you have here with some really nifty sparkle on this one I would even ad more sparkle but you have a nice sprite element here its shows off well here with this one so nice job on the sprite work here on this one I liked it.


Sprites are cool

Very unique with these So sprites are always cool sprite work takes time I would think so the work you have done here is pretty amazing as the sprites shine and glare with a sparkle so very nice work here, love the effort in the sprite work and putting together sprite visuals here on the portal.


A nice sword design

Pixel is nice the gems seem like they could have more of a sparkle though, So this here was a nice sword and or blade a nifty visual you have added here with a unique style about it I really like the visual details here some great effort goes into something like this and you have really showcased that very well here so props to you on this awsome design.


Awsome sword

This was a very good sword especially that glow, you really made it look good im sure swords cant be too easy to draw its a nifty sword design and you have some nice eye for detail especially with this weapon creation, its something I could hang on my wall but regardless this was some solid work and a nice creation.


Zuckified lol

It goes with the times you could do one of the FTX element What an amazing find here in the portal so I applaud you on a wonderfull piece, So my insight on this whole piece is that you have captured something differant and unique, well time for me to end this review but must say it was a fun experience reviewing this piece because of the talent and effort that you gave us.



This is nice the explosion and power behind the characters looks good maybe some added glowing effect would be a plus, An art piece with something different and unque about it, You have some tremendous talent here and it shows in this piece here, so we have another art piece here filled with some entertaining value as well as some interesting art creativity and thats what I really look for so nice effort on bringing the differant elements together.


Awsome Sprites

Cant go wrong with some robotron some magnificent sprite work in this some unique designs and always nice to see the details, some fantastic sprite work you have showcased us with and bring alive, this was one of those art pieces that really makes the sprite look good keep at it.


Cool sprite

Nice yellow outfit So this was kind of cool I am not the best at reviewing sprite work but have to say that this was pretty good the sprite style is always something that interested me and you have presented a nice element to the sprite world, so anyways nice job here on the sprite details.


Nifty sword

I love the dark element of the sword and there is some nice shine too, I had some nice fun reviewing this and have to say this was very impressive work, its a nifty sword design and you have some nice eye for detail especially with this weapon creation, and seemed to come together with some good nifty visuals of detail.


A cool one

A beautiful sword indeed Here was a cool one and you really made it look good im sure swords cant be too easy to draw or re create but this was a well done weapon creation here, I had some nice fun reviewing this and have to say this was very impressive work so nice efforts here.


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