
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very cute

I love the very large "CHIP" this was a cool piece here, This is a work of progress a progress that takes some unique style, This here was a nice piece of work and seemed to come alive as I dwell deeper into the visual here, the deep stylish of it all really spoke volumes. aswell as some Explosive ideas here. And well thats my Extended review and I hope I have added some Polish here, And there it is a nice piece of art with some nice detail you certainly know what you are doing and you bring the talent aboard so nice job But you seemed to be Accustomed to nice work like this.

Maybe more shine on the chip


iAbokai responds:

Thanks a lot for your incredible review! i really appreciate it. ^u^

Mr White

Well this was a good drawing here of "MR-WHITE" I think you should have drew him with a hat, but regardless this was a nice drawing you have here, love what you did with the eyes it was very realistic drawing too, so nice job here on this one, maybe even do a colored version anyways keep up the good work.

I think you should have drew him with a hat, maybe even do a colored version


Very unique

Now this was something different and very "UNIQUE" It even tells a "STORY" here with all that is happening she is carring a baby she has a snake would make for a great deep story here, would love a small improvment in the backround by putting some lighting and thunder in the backround clouds would be a huge plus of an idea, anyways great work here.

would love a small improvment in the backround by putting some lighting and thunder in the backround clouds would be a huge plus of an idea



So this was a "CLASSY" piece here, I wouldnt change much but if I did I would ad a design or patern in the backround maybe some subtle paint strokes, This was pretty Classy A nice piece here with some nice talent showing off in the details aswell as some great effort all in the right places, nice work here all the way around. I like the Groove you added to this piece. And Finally, What more can I say that I have not mentioned already, it has a uniqie and interesting vibe of style about it, and brings alot to the canvus. and it was a pleasure for this reviewer.

I wouldnt change much but if I did I would ad a design or patern in the backround maybe some subtle paint strokes


Really nice design

So you have a nice design for the "SHIRT" its really good quality I almost feel like you should put a border on this maybe the leaves could form some border like boxed in area, but as this shirt is complete its pretty impressive, you could make lots of these and sell them but anyways nice work.

I almost feel like you should put a border on this maybe the leaves could form some border like boxed in area, but as this shirt is complete its pretty impressive


ChutneyGlaze responds:

I cannot get enough of your reviews thank you so much! Yes I actually agree a border might be real nice...

Fine detail

Some added elements and more black and white in the distance might be a plus here, Some very nice fine dtail here with this one, your "BLACK-AND-WHITE-THEME" here is well presented and some very interesting detail, you bring fourth what most dont, and thats what I noticed here on this "FINE-DETAILED-BLACK-AND-WHITE", so keep up the amazing black and white style.

added elements and more black and white in the distance might be a plus here


Cool Sketch

So this was pretty "COOL-SKETCHES" and black and white desighns such as this one here are always awsome I love how raw the detail is with these black and white ones, that raw detail comes to life here "PRETTY-GOOD-WORK", anyways good design you have here.

Adding more black and white and more detail would be a plus.


Very nice work here

So this was really good the "PAINT" style was pretty amazing I like the dark element here on this piece, and do think adding some glare on the sun glasses would be a nice effect especially since its black and white, but other then that this was pretty good stuff here. nice painting.

think adding some glare on the sun glasses would be a nice effect especially since its black and white


Nice eyes

So the "EYES" are pretty nice here, very good pencil work and the shadings come out pretty well too, I dont have any suggestions of improvments because this was your practice work, but you do some amazing work here and hope you make even more soon it would be an honor to review more from you.

I dont have any suggestions of improvments because this was your practice work


Rashuko responds:

Thank you!

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