
17,993 Art Reviews

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A cool batman designed piece

The double batman but with style unique style and a good structure of a design here a nice art piece of a great super hero here and a nice piece of art, A cool batman designed piece with some nice visual apeal of art work here very nice details and some nice vivid element aswell so nice job.


Nice line work on this creature

The yellow creature from down under lol you have a way with color and it makes these art pieces that much better, A cool creature design here not sure where to describe this because its different but I would call it some nice creature work here its an interesting piece here and some nice line work here really good detail too so nice effort here on this design


A unique creature

Wow the color is really amazing with this one, and really love the fine blends and detail the bright green was a nice touch indeed, I have to say this was one hell of a creature A unique creature at that this was well designed and you really used the imagination on this design and thats something not a lot of people do these days so props to you on a unique design here hope to see more.


A nifty landscape scene

This was a beautiful backdrop kind of reminds me of here in wa state with rivers and forrest, So this was a nifty landscape secne you have created here in an art style element such a nice and beautiful landscape scene you have some real talent here you have some nice skills and showed some nice effects on this nice art scene here of a nice landscape.


A nice backdrop scene

What looks like snow is nice and pleasent this would have been cool with some snowflake drop its a very nice piece here some talented art here you really know your stuff and you showcase your talents very well in this fine art piece the landscape itself is awsome to just look at like if one was actually there, but anyways great stuff keep at it.


Spectacular character entry

I like that its large and incharge This was smooth in detail and overall just a good character design you have here, I really enjoyed finding this gem in a haystack because the character work was really intense and welldone, so nice job on this piece very smooth work indeed, and I do love the stylish character efforts.



I found this to be fun its simple especially his smile it just sets the tone would have been nice with a bit of added color or even backround, It is always a pleasure to see art styles such as you have created here for us, this was an awsome piece with lots to be desired and glad I saw this with a nice visual about it including great detail, You have shown some good progress on this piece here, and I applaud you aswell as lots of kudo's your way.



Well this was a cute little character and you even animated it, making it even more cute, I think adding in color maybe some backround or backdrop would be a plus for this one, but overall this was some fun little animation on the art, anyways nice job.


A unique Sword Design

Love the blue eyes kinda feel like ther could have more of a glow So this was a nice design here on the sword design here, so really nice work here, you have some good skills here some nice talent and your art creation of the sword really shows off well with this one so really nice work indeed, I love your creation here so nice job indeed.



As always you make some awsome character work and even with the death element, I am always excited to see a nice piece of art such as this one but glad I finally got around to reviewing this, you have good insight on some good rapid detail. And in closing you have some good artwork here some decent detail and efforts so thank you for the time to review this piece.


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