
17,993 Art Reviews

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Zombie art

The black and white line work here is pretty amazing and you have really showcased the expression very well, I like your style and hope to see more of your work you have great talents, you cant go wrong with some Zombie art you bring an interesting style and showcase it well especially with zombies so really nice work here. before I go just wanted to say great art style.


Zombie galore

Love how it seems like the zombie is attacking maybe an idea could have had a backround of people running and such, Well well look what we have here some stylish zombie art you really know how to make some nice work here and you really know how to bring it out well with some detail and you cant go wrong with some zombie style here so really nice work indeed.


Clowning Around

Really deep texture in this one and the expression on the faces is just perfect Clowns are nifty and unique in there own way, this was an "INTERESTING-CLOWN-WORK" you have created here I love the little details here and there, so there is "NO-CLOWNING-AROUND" with this one lol, no really this was pretty interesting you can see your talented and designing clowns is even better so nice work.



Nice clown here some nice use of texture and color and nice hat too just like the classic movie So this here was a nice clown design you have created with "SOME-REALLY-COOL-VISUALS-HERE" the detail is really nice and there are some cool line detail in this aswell, so I was empressed with the work you have created here and you cant go work with some clown detail.


Art of the batman

Wow this feel good black and white theme with batman and the bats its like a real scene and you presented it well, some unique dwellings that you have added across the board it is art of the batman in turn is art in itself, but as for your piece here its a unique design of batman and love how deep it runs you have some good style and you make shine so nice job indeed.


Amazing batman art

A nice portrait type of batman the eyes are cool wouldnt mind more of a glow love how deep this art piece is, it runs you have some good style and you make shine Amazing batman art if I do say so myself, wish more people put as much effort here as you do this was an impressive art piece of batman and I look forward to more of your work.


A unique landscape

I really like what you have done here with the black and white here, gives it more of a dark element, a nice and beautiful landscape scene you have some real talent here you have some nice skills and showed some nice effects, A unique landscape scene here and just the visual shows off some really nice artwork and some great talent, so I was impressed with this piece.


A nice landscape scene

The mountain is nice and you even showcase an element of wind in this one very nice visuals on this one, you really know how to push the details of it A nice landscape scene you have created here, its a very nice piece here some talented art here and you really pushed the depths of this, and it was an honor to review this and hope to review more of your work sometime soon.


Sexy and great character

This was nice and I have to say the firworks behind the character was a plus would have been cool if the fireworks were animated of some type, you have a good talent about this so nice job indeed what you have here is a Sexy and great character and I love the visual of it all great view points, anyways great character design and steamy element to go along with really enjoyed it hope to see more sometime soon.


nimbus01 responds:

Glad you like it, thanks for the input.


Its a clean and crisp batman even the blank backround was nice, a nice piece of art, A cool batman designed piece with some nice visual apeal of art work here batman is a great piece of art here really nice detail on this one you have some really nice work here and some really nice talent and you pushed some good details here.


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