
17,993 Art Reviews

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Sonic and Tails

Well you cant go wrong with Sonic and Tails You have graced us with a brilliant idea here giving it the right touches and all, dont know if I can suggest any improvments but but clearly by these visuals it may not need them, so this is where I call it an end for the review, but may I mention that it was a nice and fun experience reviewing this piece, always fun to see colorful art of sonic and tails.


A nifty batman design

The dark shadow really showcases well here and the lighting effect all work well You have A nifty batman design here its always nice to see a good super hero such as batman and all his unique style and a good structure of a design here a nice art piece of a great super hero here and a nice piece of art with all of its glory of batman.


Interesting character

This was an interesting character the horns are nice and the eyes are cool I think I would ad some glow or more sparkle to the eyes, A moment of some nice art right here This radiates with fully good creativity and some nice style you also added some expression to your work, the portal has many amazing art pieces including what you have created today on an ending note I will say this was an awsome piece, I love the skillful talent you bring to the table.



The moon was a nice touch with this one Well you cant go wrong with some zombie art here and this was just some nice zombie artwork here you have some nice ideas on this one and the art style really comes out well very nice details within the zombie culture and element so really nice work here.


Nifty clown detail

Always a smile nice line work on this clown design you really have some nice talent and you showcase it well, the detail and clown detail most of all shows off well and its nice to see clown designs these are pretty nifty and its a delightful visual of some clown work here.


Nice Clown Work

you dont see these kinds of designs very much but anyways a great little element of clown design, so nice line work on this clown design you really have some nice talent and you showcase it well with some cool designs here so really nice work indeed.


Nice action

Looks like he is in action mode you have keyed all the shiny and shooting points a very nice robotic element here,
What a fantastic art piece with such amounts of detail and elements I applaud you on this fine piece of art and hope to see more very soon here on the portal, nice piece here not something I see all the time but seems like you know how to set this up just right.


The dark element here was nice love the glowing eyes Bat man well this is always a pleasure to see and review so some nice artwork here of batman I like your style with this batman it has some unique dwellings that you have added across the board so really nice job here, and hope you do make more like this super hero.


Nice landscape scene

This one reminds me of a tornado of some type about to happen, some nice effects, A unique landscape scene here and just the visual shows off some really nice artwork, so nice job and vrey creative with the landscape style of art here and I have to say a beautiful scene here, so really nice work indeed, I look forward to even more.


A great backdrop landscape

The water fall here is nice and love the fresh look of the trees too I find these to be pretty fun to review you cant go wrong with a landscape scene especially one as good as this one, you really know how to push the details of it and really create the landscape as it self so props to you on this one, some nice work indeed.


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

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