
17,993 Art Reviews

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Intense character design

Really some "INTENSE" detail here in this character I am enjoing that "ACTION" scene too, I have no suggestion this time because you actually have created a masterpiece here, These kinds of art entries can be tricky in how to put in the right words and what not, But regardless of that lets get this one going and review some things here. I Applaud the progress you have made here. I even felt it was Symbolic in a way and Appropriately done aswell, And while there could be more additions to this piece its also great on its own you have a talent for this style and I have enjoyed the outcome.

I have no suggestion this time because you actually have created a masterpiece here



So this was a nice "PIECE" I like the red tone of color in this the portrait piece is nice would love more use of the red tones to do something with the backround maybe some form of paint strokes or design back there, other then that this was some really intense stuff here.

would love more use of the red tones to do something with the backround maybe some form of paint strokes or design back there


Very unique

Some really interesting and "UNIQUE" the bowl and plant was a nifty and unique idea, I enjoy the subtle colors here as this was a pleasent piece here and I enjoyed the simplistic element of this all, I would ad a shine or sparkle on the bowl, anyways really nice work.

I would ad a shine or sparkle on the bowl


Deep Texture

Well you have some nice deep "TEXTURE" on this one with a good "DAD" character very deep in colortone aswell, the backround was pretty intense even, love the smoke filled backround or atleast thats what I got from this, Now ofcourse my tip for this piece might be make a larger canvus or view screen and have more of the smoke filled backround maybe even some props, anyways thats my take on things.

Now ofcourse my tip for this piece might be make a larger canvus or view screen and have more of the smoke filled backround maybe even some props


Nice character

So you have some nice character here, you did very well here I do however think that some added backround or just some simple pieces here and there in the distance, but regardless you make a good character and have some nice smooth line work so keep it up anyways nice job.

think that some added backround or just some simple pieces here and there in the distance


Very nice

So this was pretty good looks pretty realistic, this must be a really bad area but I have seen some "7/11s" in some bad places but as for the art you did pretty good I would only suggest adding some light up sign more or even cracked and such anyways really nice building design here.

I would only suggest adding some light up sign more or even cracked and such


A cute piece here

So this was pretty good stuff here, its a "SKETCH" a drawing but you did pretty well on this piece and the "SHINE" on this piece was pretty good the shine stands out a lot and its makes this whole piece look great, I would love some color on this one, very nice work here.

I would love some color on this on


Very nice

Now this was pretty cool Has an old style of old movie type robots looks like he is just wondering around in a moment of chaos and you have presented him in just the right pose here, I think by adding some extra shine on hin with a bit of sparkle would be kind of nifty, but anyways a good art piece here.

I think by adding some extra shine on hin with a bit of sparkle would be kind of nifty


Very nice shine

So some very nice "SHINE" on this piece here you have some really nice elements here, the purplish theme was also nice but its that shine is pretty amazing, not sure if I would really want to change anything on this as this was pretty amazing work as it is already so nice job here.

not sure if I would really want to change anything on this as this was pretty amazing work as it is


Cute characters

So these are some "CUTE" characters you have here some really great line work then all the little details like shades and even "MORE" expression on the face is pretty good too, the "VIEW-SCREEN" is a tad small making the view screen much larger would be nice but anyways this review comes to an end you have some nice characters hree.

making the view screen much larger would be nice


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