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While this character looks a bit creepy I guess he could be the new creeper lol, no but really this reminds me of the current tablet give away still kind of interesting, I do like the art style and that face was just great so really nice work on this one, I have enjoyed reviewing this piece.


ZLEAP responds:

I thankya!

Good character

You have a nice character here I really like the vibrant color here and the bubbly expression on her face was good you really made it look easy a nice pose on this character, and just enjoyed it for the beautiful design on the character, hope to see more like this soon.



Its for sure a steamy dragon you have here I kind of wish there was more in the backround like a landscape maybe other dragon types from the characters world and such, but The detail and focus and fusion on the dragon and steamy character was a very nice touch.


Very beautiful

I love how you have different visual aspects of this and the character is even steamy so very good work here These are the kinds of art pieces that I really come to enjoy, This one really caught my eye the deep style of talent really shows off well with this one the detail is amazing in this piece and thats what really catchs my eye keep embracing us with your talents, So with this entry you bring a different style to the table, and thats what I enjoy about the art portal always something amusing and unique roaming around I hope one day I may find many more like this anyways nice work indeed.


I like

This was cool the colors came off well in each wing the black backround was nice for this piece, this is something of fantastic element of art really nice efforts here making for a unique and magnificent piece, This was a pretty nifty piece you have crafted up finally I find something really artistic today, just keep up the creative wheels turning as you have in this piece.


BananaBreadBoi responds:

I appreciate it! I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not lolol, but thanks for checking me out and I hope you take a peek at my other stuff as well!

Wow nice

This was just beautiful. If ever i wanted to see a pirate this would be it a very nice visual and up close and personal the colors dark here but still made for a very nice pirate like character very talented and a beautiful design and character.



I found this one to be pretty cool i like the color here and its like its very own advert and such a good vidual of tankman and a good design cant go wrong with the supporter badge. Anyways nice work here.



Another funny comic and the character with the fluffed out hair was a nice touch here i like the style of it all. You have some nice comics and with foamy thia was good anyways good comic.



Another nice character and i really like the skull shirt you made it workout really good too. The sit down pose was pretty good some nice work indeed i like your style of character work such as this one so awsome work.



Another beautiful character design. The color of her outfit came off well you seem to always do some amazing characters and a beautiful paint job on top of that the commission is one of the best works around here so nice job.


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