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So this was pretty good, a nice logo you have here but I do think you should have more backround to it and make it work better some color base would even sufice. anyways you have some nice wrtwork here and I look forward to even more from you so keep making great stuff.

I do think you should have more backround to it and make it work better some color base would even sufice


Very cool character

I really like how this character is running or getting ready to jump, love the purple backround you have some nice deep texture in the backround, not sure if purple outfit over a purple backround was best it blends to well, the eyes were pretty cool and overall a god design of a character.

not sure if purple outfit over a purple backround was best it blends to well


Really nice

so this was "NICE" some of the flowers could have more of a glow and vibrant shine to them,
You have a sense of Stylization and Flair about this piece and it was interesting to say the least, and it caught my attention, wish there was more stuff that gave the different style like this one does. This spoke volumes it has a deep visual and stylish touch about it, this here was a nice piece of work and was glad I could check this one out. So keep on doing what you do cause its nice stuff indeed.

some of the flowers could have more of a glow and vibrant shine to them


Nice alien

So this was a nice looking "ALIEN" the purple looks really good I do think you could ad some shine much more shine on the alien and some added backround would be a plus too, just a few ideas that may help, other then that you have some really nice work here I enjoyed your style here though you have some really nice work.

I do think you could ad some shine much more shine on the alien and some added backround would be a plus too


TheJoyfulPill responds:

Thank you and i definitely agree
My background game is pretty weak as it is now

Love this

So I love the color here and the whole "CYCLOPS" eye was nice, you have an amazing character here, I would ad a little sparkle on the eye or even a glow surrounding it, Art is always a fine thing and art comes in many different forms thats what I love about reviwing different types of artwork such as this one here, and as I get started I get a good smile because art is good in whatever art brings so now onto this interesting piece. Alright Well I hope you keep making unique and interesting pieces like this one, and I wont bore you any longer just know you have an instant fan here.

I would ad a little sparkle on the eye or even a glow surrounding it


Wow nice

So this was a really nice "CHARACTER" and I love the "WORDING" So my Overview of this is simple, Now old or new this art work we have he seems to come from some interesting imagination, thats always a plus on what I like to see, and thats what we will start off with. I wouldnt say this is a Symbolic piece but Appropriately pushed the limits with this one and gave it that extra touch and really put some grace into it all so nice work indeed.

Make more awsome stuff like this.


This was interesting

So this was kind interesting the "BLACK-AND-WHITE" theme here its like a comic almost and seems to have an interesting story here and I would be interested in seeing more of this style, so all I have to say here is make more of these types of art pieces anyways nice work.

all I have to say here is make more of these types of art pieces



This was cool, you have a really nice "IMPACT" element here, the "SPERES" impact was nice, I think if you added more lighting effect at the impact even more dominant then you have now would be cool, I love the red and blue tones here, really nice work here make more.

I think if you added more lighting effect at the impact even more dominant then you have now would be cool


Bogdogun responds:

Thank you man !
Appreciate it! :D


The "COLORS" are amazing they are vibrant and make this jump out more, the cig was cool you should ad a lighting effect to it with some smoke streams or something along them lines, and I would also suggest some backround texture or design pattern, You have Captured something Explosive here in this piece, Its stuff like this that really catchs my eye, the detail the amount of detail put in something like this, very nice stuff here especially the detail. And well thats that a Nice piece and a gem if i say so myself not everyday you find stuff like this but glad i did and glad you made some top notch work here. Keep making this kind of work.

the cig was cool you should ad a lighting effect to it with some smoke streams or something along them lines, and I would also suggest some backround texture or design pattern



Wow this was really good "STUFF" great character here, the backround was bland maybe something could be added back there even some texture would be a nice touch, And here with this piece o art we have an interesting piece as it jumps out at me for the little things that you made work well. I like the Polish and love the Desire that you bring into this, The Polished work is also very nice indeed, Its art like this that makes me go wow because I really enjoy these types of pieces and you really went all out on this one bringing art to life. So thank you for the effort and ofcourse the energy.

the backround was bland maybe something could be added back there even some texture would be a nice touch


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