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Very nice

Wow this was "WICKEDLY" cool Theres a lot of dark elements and some sparkles around the sparkles could be brighter and there could be more lighting effect points more sparkles for sure, A decent peice of art here, some nice detail here and about, I like your style its different but brings alot to the table, so nice job all around here, so I look forward to more of your art but lets focus on this peice for the time-being. So keep making progress, it will make a success. So great outcome here from top to bottom this was notbad at all I found a nice piece of art and creative style here and glad I did.

Theres a lot of dark elements and some sparkles around the sparkles could be brighter and there could be more lighting effect points more sparkles for sure



Scientific indeed lol a great little "COMIC" scene you have going on here the art is fresh and well done a very nice visual you have here and the comic style was notbad, you have some good character design too I would suggest making a long running comic with more frames, anyways nice work.

I would suggest making a long running comic with more frames


Love it

So I really love the "COLOR-TONES" here has a sort of "NEON" feel about this, some added borders on this would be one idea, You have some Savvy styles here and thats what made me take a double take, you have Something here that was really neat and you dont get to see this type of skill and talent everyday, but today I get the pleasure of reviewing the good talents here. aswell as Classy. There was a number of areas that was nice here, and before I get to the help area I would like to say I was impressed with this piece. so an Extended congrats on the effort on your Desire here.

some added borders on this would be one idea


Wow very nice

So the detail and effects on this piece was pretty good, I dont have any major suggestions on how to change on this, if anything more glow on the sabre, and a sparkle on her earings, Kudo's to you on such Passionately and decent piece of art here its different then its not, but thats what I have enjoyed about this piece, for sure a great start to an awsome time of art here on the portal. But anyways My Overview is that this was notbad of an art style and Appropriately done with a Symbolic style, Alright so I wont bore you any longer but you have some nice work here and I hope you keep making fantastic pieces such as this one here.

I dont have any major suggestions on how to change on this, if anything more glow on the sabre, and a sparkle on her earings


Parsujera responds:

Thank you so much! :)

Very nice

So This was cool, very nice, the pumkin "HEAD" was very good I do think some added glow on the eyes and mouth would be cool, also some extra added shine on the sword would be a cool suggestion, You have a nice characrter here very refreshing too, and congrats on the frontpage.

I do think some added glow on the eyes and mouth would be cool, also some extra added shine on the sword would be a cool suggestion


Beautiful design

So this was "COOL" you have a nice design here, this was pretty nifty here, I am loving the colors and vibrant element this was a "CREATIVE" design here, the markings look good even as a pain they may have been, so I would suggest make more pieces like this it was pretty welldone.

I would suggest make more pieces like this it was pretty


ThePaintedDogg responds:

yeaaaah homie. I get your drift! Thanks a mill. ;D

An engaging piece

This was cute and you really made it feel like a "DONUT" experience here love the bright and "VIBRANT" colors here some really nice detail here, Not to change your idea here but some added donuts on the ground maybe some bit ones thats just an idea, This piece was pretty Engaging, Wow I have to say that I love this piece of great imagination and awsome artwork here, you really bring us the Viewer into the depths of the world you are creating and thats what I got from this piece. You have made this an Exclusive piece for me to review for today. And now we near the end of this here review, A nice piece you have here and it has made me want to checkout more of your work of arts.

Not to change your idea here but some added donuts on the ground maybe some bit ones thats just an idea


This was different

So this was pretty "DIFFERENT" I like all the images here and you blended them so well, seems like this whole piece could have some sort of border on it, it could accent the main focus here, anyways no major changes needed as this was some solid work here.

seems like this whole piece could have some sort of border on it, it could accent the main focus here


Notbad at all

So this was pretty good, I like the purplish hair here I do believe some added shine with some sparkle on her hair would be a plus well even more shine then you have just an idea, the character is a great design here, love the smile on the face, you should really make more stuff like this.

I do believe some added shine with some sparkle on her hair would be a plus well even more shine then you have just an idea


SquizofrenicCat responds:

I could have added some blending to make it shine more, yeah! Not sure how'd I'd make it otherwise though.

Thank you for the review! Doing more character shots like these sounds like a fun idea. The smile is actually an inside joke between me and the requester so I'm glad you liked it.

Wow nice

Wow I have to say that I am an instant fan of this "PIECE" you have some cool art style here and you cant go wrong with a "SHREK-MOON" I would only suggest a more glowing element on the moon part of it but even if you didnt do anything this was really cool as is, keep up the amazing work.

I would only suggest a more glowing element on the moon part of it but even if you didnt do anything this was really cool as is


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