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Kicking good

She is kicking into action some nice pose here the colors are really good and its a good character of work here i like the style of it all and just an overall. Great commission you have here so keep it up.



It is a very robotic element, the pink visor thing was nice maybe could have added more animated to it, What an amazing piece here This one is in the spotlight as you bring in some energetic flavour to the scene, You have captured some Very nice stuff here you really show off the detail here the detail does speak out to you, I like these types of art pieces because while they are not perfect but they bring a certain artistic value to the portal,Its some nice work indeed and really hope you create even more like this one here So on that note love your style so keep it up.


NoodleDood12 responds:

I really appreciate the review and criticisms. An animated visor is a good idea. I'm still busy with other renditions of this piece so I'll definitely keep that in mind. What else do you feel I could improve on?


This was nice and its always nice to see foamy up to trouble even if its in the most simple of ways, great bubble scene here shes a good character and dreams a lot nice text in this one, its a fun comic element you have showcased another good comic style.


Pleasent piece

I love the light element here and the hand that holds the character was a real nice touch very pleasent and light, What a fantastic element of art You even added some groove to it so nice effort here So with this piece it kept me wanting more for its interesting design, anyways this was entirely honest of me and I love your work here Its a busting out art piece, and thats what you have done here today. It was a pleasure to check out this piece while it was different and unique and you made it interesting with each visual that my eyes lay on, so very nice work indeed it was a nice unique piece.



Thats a nice one foamy always messing up things the color on the character work really comes off well and you can still bring on some entertainment element and thats a plus for the comic style I had a fun chcukle with this one, anyways keep these going.



Its a pleasent scene especially with the music, also love all the elements of vibrant color and detail like all the records and such, overall this was a nice piece and it creates a pleasent feel love the detail too so really nice work on this one.


Nice character

I love that you have added the character in an action scene, You have shown some very nice talents with your artworks on this piece, you did put fourth some effort and bringing some good creativity to the boards, gonna give you a big Kudo's on this Savvy piece of work as it was really catching my eye so nice work.



I always love the vibrant color you put in these comic styles and always have some random or new characters really fun indeed, and the jokes are fun and entertaining, so you cant go wrong with foamy and these comic styles so please do keep it up.



Now this was a beautiful character and well designed almost feels like a real movie scene like in a jazz bar of some types, Some great finds in the art portal such as your entry here that you graced us with, These types of pieces are always artistic and they bring something new to the table, thats why im a fan of these types of art and skill types, Awsome piece of work I have found here in the portal and this will for sure make me check out more of your work.


Really good

You have some really good characters here and in some sort of scene here, all it needs is some added backround but maybe not since its a commission, regardless you have a way with color and really bring it alive so nice job indeed and hope to see more of your beautiful character work.


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