
17,993 Art Reviews

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This was some beautiful work and just a very nice character design you have created here, Love the soft visual on the character and window in the backround, I will always enjoy stuff like this and will always look for more stuff like it among the art portal, Im so glad I did come across this one, But once again a beautiful character you have some very nice talents.


Amazing detail

So this here was some amazing detail and love the green element here you really bring on some depth too like the backround this creates a story and scene of wonder a very nice character and art piece here I am pretty happy with all of this it was not only a gnarly piece but was actually stylistic, But regardless I do hope you make even more artwork like this soon but its awsome work.



This was a nice creature also love the view from bottom upwards into that stary night I like your vibe here keep making fantastic stuff such as this one, I have really enjoyed it, I love this find You have a decent art piece it has alot of interest level, I am glad this is not just the normal stuff everyone brings to the portal

You bring a different element to the table. I will look for more of your stuff to come through the portal in the near future its some brilliant designs and creations, so untill then keep up the creative designs and creations such as you have done here.


Nice character

This here was a nice character I did think more could have been done with the backround though, You do have a nice piece of work here and the visuals really come out well A nice progression here always nice to see the progress behind a piece, Some nice colors and a good form of the character here seems to be very good also nice linework on top of that, Anyways nice art submission.


This is nice

I have to say this is nice and you bring on some different view points in this, so I will also say this was really nice and say that you have impressed me sofar but please do grace us with more of your fine art pieces, You bring some nice visuals here and some nice talents within the art aspect of it all, but besides all that I had fun reviewing this piece of work here make more for us to enjoy.


stupidvampire responds:

oh wow, thank you! this was an older piece that i drew on my phone, but ive actually gotten a lot of requests to redraw it. i think i actually might!


Well pixel is already pretty amazing but you have done some amazing work here with this one love the color and all the characters, Now here was a pleasure of a viewing and of course reviewing this interesting piece of art work, You have some nice talents for sure very fine and detailed enrgy here and another great piece of art and design that I have come across in the portal

It was a delightful piece and I had a pleasure reviewing this. And I hope to review much more of your work in the future, And while this review is ending soon, it was still a pleasure of your art piece so nice effort here, But anyways keep making beautiful and unique art submissions.


Very unique

Its intriguing design and style It almost has a seducing look about it all, This was a great piece that I have gone ahead and added this one to my faves list its a beautiful piece and creative, I love the scene in this some nice action about to take place too, It has some sci-Fi element about it too, overall a very nice piece of work here, keep making awsome stuff.


Haha nice

I found this one to be pretty funny and comical very funny indeed you made it simple and fun I love the drool almost felt like you could have had even more drool maybe some added backround, but honestly this was some fun stuff I love the simplicity and comical element you showcased here, So anyways hope you make more of these types at some point it was fun and entertaining.


Another good one

Some nice pixel here and once again some nice animation to go along with it, all in all it's a nice entry into the portal and Im glad I found it, And on another note you bring on some good color to work with the animation and pixel it all seems to come alive with it all, and for that a lone I was pretty impressed, so awsome work and hope to see more of your efforts soon.


Another good comic

I especially like this comic for the dark colors and crisp looking characters the backround setting like bricks and lighting was a nice job, good details and effects all on this one, great characters and a nice comical comic alement, No foamy but this was still pretty good and you made it look pretty easy so awsome job on this one and look forward to even more.


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