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This was a nice find

Some great finds in the art portal such as your entry here that you graced us with, love the amount of color and all that was added the character itself was pretty amazing and has a comic like style about it, so with that said awsome job here hope to see more.


Snackers responds:

thank you wayne, I love you!!


This is some nice work I love the different variations of lighting and visuals made the candles look realistic on all visual variations, there was some of this and some of that, and you made it all come alive with your own style and twist, The lighting detail of these candles are pretty amazing so job well done you are a very talented artist when it comes to this stuff.



A pretty nifty piece you have crafted up These types of pieces are always artistic and they bring something new to the table, You have some massive talent and made for a nice piece of art here love the texture and structure and a good character to go on.


Very interesting

This was an interesting piece you created its like a creature or a shadow but really dominating visual here especially with the lighted backround, the dark element and creature really came off well some deep texture and skintones this piece has some nice lighting and shadow effects and really play well off eachother, Kind of feel like it could have had some glowing eyes for an extra effect, but honestly this was pretty impressive a well made art piece here and really enjoyed it.



Well you really have something simple and different I especially love the saying you had in there ""You really had to walk in"" This could mean a number of things, but a good saying and fits the art piece itself so that was nice the one tone color here was odd but you also have some darker lines and it all seemed to come together, I did think adding in some added detail with the backround would have been a plus here, but regardless of all that this was a nice find in the art portal.


An epic battle

This looks to be like an epic battle a decent backround too but some amazing detailed characters, this is an art piece I can did my teeth into this was a large hearted piece just take your time and keep at it but then again you have knocked this one out of the park.


Cute combo

A cute combo of characters here on this one maybe some added backround and even some sort of frame, This is one of those unique pieces that seem to amaze me so keep doing what you do, I wont bore you any longer just know you have an instant fan here of your beautiful design and imagination.


Crazyimp responds:

Thank you! I’ve been improving my artworks.

Cool character

A cool character and love those flames you have there kind of feel like they could have more sparkle and flame, What an amazing art piece to find I for one look forward to even more from you because this was pretty amazing and just a nice sight for some artwork, you have made some interesting strives here that make this a great piece and glad I found it.


Nice and dark

This had a nice character but also a nice and dark element I wouldnt mind more lighting effects of some sort, I have seen a lot of art in my time here but I have not seen art as different and or interesting as this one and its stuff like this one that keeps me enoying reviewing these types.


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