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Well that watercolor is beautiful love what you did with the backround too you really have pushed some interesting ideas and a unique style here with some good talent across the board I am always excited to see a nice piece of art such as this one but glad I finally got around to reviewing this, you have good insight on some good rapid detail, great backround in this one



Love the line work on this allthough I would have loved some backround to this A fantastic character design not only is this a sexy character you bring on a nice detailed character with some nifty little details that really standout and you bring some things full frontal and just makes for a really nice and sexy character from top to bottom it has a beautiful design and you give it that sexy element so nice character



So you do some amazing grpups of characters this one is one of my faves love the simple of it all but also like the detail and different poses It is always a pleasure to see art styles such as you have created here for us this was an awsome piece with lots to be desired and glad I saw this with a nice visual about it including great detail, You have shown some good progress on this piece here, make more of these character groupes


Nice character

Well this was a good character here kind of dark but still nice and the wings are nice atleast I think they are wings but a nice form of the character here, some nice shadeds and good little detail in there too, so for me this was a nice character here keep at it



A nice coffee break You bring alot to the table with a twist of energy A polished blend of style, the pixel is amazing and once again so is the animation that looks so smooth even as short as it is, just the perfect cup of animation and pixel lol, anyways nice art as always


Luis responds:

Thanks X i love reading ur feedback anytime i see it

A plus character

Great view but the outfit was pretty good too and ofcourse the expression on the face is amazing I found this to be an A plus character some beautiful lines and smooth curves to really formulate the emotional moment of the characters moment I love the fine details within the character and it's comes off as a nice and sexy character here looks very well designed you gave it a sexy look and made the character turn heads including mine lol it for sure is a sexy looking character



This here was a cute character and snazzy pose at that I think some backround detail would be a plus here we have another art piece here filled with some entertaining value as well as some interesting art creativity and thats what I really look for so nice effort on bringing the differant elements together, I think some backround detail would be a plus here


Nice work

I love the action scene in this art piece and related around christmas What a fantastic art piece with such amounts of detail and elements I applaud you on this fine piece of art and hope to see more very soon here on the portal, nice piece here not something I see all the time but seems like you know how to set this up just right, Nice fun characters too


Very nice

The character is amazing the backround detail is very creative love the stars A moment of some nice art right here This radiates with fully good creativity and some nice style you also added some expression to your work, the portal has many amazing art pieces including what you have created today on an ending note I will say this was an awsome piece


Great one

So this here was another awsome character with water colors and a nice commission You have graced us with a brilliant idea here giving it the right touches and all dont know if I can suggest any improvments because this was pretty good, but clearly by these visuals it may not need them so this is where I call it an end for the review nice work indeed


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