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Haha nice work indeed

Another nice and fun comic style you have showcased here on this one love the bright and vibrant colors on this also love the comical interaction of the squirrels lol anyways a fun comic here as always nice work


Always nice

So another good character I especially like the walking pose on this one the black stockings are nice I wonder if they need more shine regardless love the walking pose of this character nice character design indeed


Nice job

So this was notbad I like the world you created to look into making it a unique design and the lil animation on this was pretty good too, I wont bore you you any longer as this was just something refreshing to review and look at so I admire your work here, You have some nice effects and animation works well with it, so awsome job on this one I like it very much indeed.


Wow nice

This showcases some of your better talents I love that it shows effort and creativity, I like the enthusiasm here and it has some rapid growth great visuals here keep it up and showcase more of this kind of art, nice efforts and keep making stuff like this and let the imagination soar, But besides all that these sand dunes is nice love the small specs of detail within the sand itself.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank you X!


This was a cool piece whenever I see this element I always seem to think about space and such so my suggestion would be adding in some stars in the backround but it looks pretty good maybe even adding in some added glow or flickering animation to the lines themself, but regardless I found it to be a pretty cool piece very good efforts indeed hope to see more soon.


Cyberdevil responds:

Hmm stars would've looked pretty cool with this too... indeed, I wonder if I did do that for another one of these, I know I've used the infinity sign a few more times...

Thanks for the review! More... possibly this year, hope there's time for it. :)

Very nice

This was pretty nice love the detail you push on this especially all the fine detail in the backround really made it come forward, You seem to passionately have love for your work and ad a flair of style and ambition and there is a sense of rapid growth aswell, characters are also pretty good love the shadow elements as well anyways some nice artwork here this was a pleasure


Good stuff

This has to be some of your best stuff yet and not just another number looks like you put some good energy into this one the outline of the hand is well detailed, some good artistic expression and thats what I enjoyed about it, it really came out well I am most impressed with this lots to see and admire and I do enjoy some detail and love that its a bit on the artistic side, Would be nice if you did more artistic stuff like this.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks man. Really do like how this one turned out too, one of my favorites thus far - I turned it into an album cover at the end of the year too.


Well this was a cute piece here I really like the bear almost feel like some added backround could have been on this, What a fantastic element of art You even added some groove to it so nice effort here So with this piece it kept me wanting more for its interesting design, anyways this was entirely honest of me and I love your work here Its a busting out art piece and thats what you have done here today, anyways nice cute bear


Bertn1991 responds:

Thank you, thank you. Maybe I'll revisit the character sometime and try something new, with a background.


So this one was like a portrait and on that note I suggest some sort of border or frame to accent the characters face, You bring a fluid piece that brings talent and tons of energy and great effort aswell This one has extruded a certain unique style about it, But thats why I like this particular entry for many reasons but mostly because you seem to have added some good effort, as mentioned maybe a border could be added


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