
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice work

This was nice I love the tankmen element along with some christmas element, I am pretty suprised I was glad that this was better then I had expected and I do hope to see more from you this was a good all around solid art entry, You have amazed me with the style and vibe here your art sparkles with a sense of unique style, love the different visual pieces here too awsome artwork here


Nice pin-up

So this was cute and sexy I like the character and the funnu comical bubble the light backround was nice too Some interesting elements of a submission on this one you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you have going on here it does spark some interest especialy with me, its the little things that keep me interested like this piece, I guess singing is her thing


Cool character

I like what you did here with just the towel it allows for an imagination of suprise, good form of the character too I found some good Inspiration to critique this awsome piece of art Some really nice flavour and quality with some good balance so in that note this was a solid twist of an art entry, nice and simple and not too revealing


Cool character

So this was a nice character here The backround was a little simple but it was still nice with the character Love what you have done here I love the depth and quality of it all and you bring on some nice energy about it olid work here with this kind of element, love the color use on this character



Another fine character it almost looks stone but its nice work the simple backround seems to work well also, maybe even some sort of colored outline might be nice but regardless this was some nice work here


Very nice

This was nice I especially love the lighting effect here and it has this sort of painting style about it What a great art piece here a great find indeed its these kinds of pieces that really draw my attention and glad I came across this one very nice indeed A unique style here, Amazing talents on this great character design This style was pretty interesting and keeps me wanting even more so keep at it it caught my attention, awsome character here


Beautiful art

This was very good love the chaos scene you have created so nice job indeed, love the oranges and reds on this one and once again amazing scenes and hope you keep up the good work


Very nice

Wow I really like this version of the character good snooth form nice shades of color just is nice and on top of the clif very nice indeed, hope you make more of this character here



These are nice love the dark colors too reds come in well, the eyes for one really stood out almost feal they could even have more of a glow but overall this was some really nice work great talents here


Fantastic character

Now this was an amazing character so rich in detail and deoth love what you did with the backround too, So as I get started I get a good smile because art is good in whatever art brings but I found this to be an amazing art entry, The hair is amazing very talented you are with an amazing uniqie style to it This was a good art piece these types can be hard to review because of how good it really is, My take is that you are talented and this was beautiful work


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Age 51, Male


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