
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice skellies here and love all the red this was nice to see all the step by steps too amazing work indeed I have to say I rather enjoyed this piece you bring a strong balance of your talents and it shows off well so I was pretty impressed, awsome skellies here


Nice character

So the character was notbad the black and white is nice and love the swinging effects here a nice action mode with this character So keep doing what you do because this was a plus for me to review these are the best kinds of art pieces to check out, Great character


Love this

I love that this is an adventure of a piece here, Love the running action mode here and all the green in the backround very nice indeed, You have also gone in and made some changes to really mix it up and make it your own and for me that was some nice efforts, great running moment here


Awsome color

Well I have to say this was some awsome work I love the diff color used on this it really brings things out An interesting piece of art indeed njoy reviewing stuff like this so please do make more of this for us because this is the kind of artwork that really catches the eye, Swinging the guitar is nice while riding the bike While there are a lot of interesting pieces that come through the portal I did find this one to really be a rare find , good colorful art piece


Nice Knight

Well you cant go wrong with a Moogle Knight lol love the detail on the knight its cute and dangerous lol It's pieces like this that make it that much better so awesome job on the style here very intense and unique, anyways love the detail of the character here



So this was awsome love the rain effect here but love the red and darker colors here now onto this interesting piece This here was a nice piece of work and was glad I could check this one out keep on doing what you do cause its nice stuff indeed, The shades and detail on the character is nice has been a pleasure to review this is an art piece I can did my teeth into this was a large hearted piece, Very nice character



Another nice comic style this one with some classic elements and of course pico the graat lol, the color theme on this is nice Some really nice art quality but also add in some good energy with the passion of the flavour it brings, but its a good comic style here


Wow nice

So this was a nice comic piece here I love the mix of color and black and white and the quality is really good too Full of energy and good vibes all across the board so nice art here, so awsome job on this comic style


Great character here

The character has some nice shine and sparkle but also love the backround it really made the character shine and shows good detail, I can see you are dedicated to some refreshing and endless energy and effort, anyways good character


Nice work

So this was some nice work here I love the the simple of this whole piece here nice drawing and a cute character indeed, maybe some added color would be nice on this piece here


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