
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very nice

Nice setting here There is some nice style of art coming from the portal and some good quality at that you bring on some nice quality and the art itself seems to come a live, this paint style is pretty impressive


Love it

The emerce detail just jumps off the page with this and the emotion in his face shows hes in action mode so props to you on this idea and while there are other styles I think you knocked this one out of the park so nice energy level in this piece it was downright a solid piece of art, The depth of skintone and details on his body are realistic came out well Full of energy and good vibes all across the board so nice art here, an amazing character here


DANMAKUMAN responds:

Thank you for your comment :)

Wow nice

Love how this is interactive to see your works and you do some awsome works indeed, A very nice art piece you have here You have something of good quality here This was kind of majestic and you bring some diverse visuals Great stuff here and nice style of art work here, Love the head shots especially some really nice shades I can see you are dedicated to some refreshing and endless energy and effort, hope to see more of your designs and creations soon


tealmussel responds:

Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it!

Beautiful work

I love these cube dynamic visuals you filled the before with props detail and awsome color and it looks amazing, With some nice quality in this you can't go wrong there so for me this was a nice art piece here and while this is just a simple critique, anyways nice cube design



This has a nice dynamic effects and beautiful visual here for me this was a nice art piece here some nice style of art coming from the portal love the mix and your own style in there, beautiful scene and lots of nifty props and such in the backround very nice work


Interesting piece here

This was nice I see like some abstract element and a face but it all seems to form just right and you bring it in a creative style love that backround color though so nice job here



I love the purple here and those eyes just jump out at you great portrait piece, the hair came out well especially with that color and some nice depth of the character expresion so nice job


Passionate character

Haha I once had a friend like this lol Now this was a passionate character design you can see it within the character lines and smoothness of it all not to mention all the sexy elements of this sexy character here and that's what I loved about this character the sexy elements of this sexy character here and that's what I loved about this character


Love this

This is the new level of being creative and really makes for a beautiful piece love the open mouth and teeth on this one, color is amazing and the eyeball is amazing here was another great discovery from the portal you have a good entry this was a large hearted and dedicated piece the art shows off well all on its own and the talent shines well, Something people can really get into and enjoy like I have now so keep making great submissions such as you have now, the new level of being creative love that eyeball


Nice and detailed

Awsome design its like looking into a sci-fi worls almost feel like there could be more lighting effects within the piece itself, This art entry was kinda neat and had some positive points and so on Now dont get me wrong this is actually a good discovery and was glad to find this little gem, A brilliant piece of art here and I have to say it really comes full circle in the depth of your detail and all the little detail that comes alive from this, Love the depth of the design especially the lighted up areas


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