
17,993 Art Reviews

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Cute piece

This was a cute piece the lil guy with a knife and the simplistic color outlook here was pretty nice, I like the simplicity of it all, and it was a silly yet concerning piece lol anyways nice job


Cute comic

So this here was a nice and cute comic here I also love the black and white too but maybe the frames could have color, but overall a nice lil comic you have created here


Void responds:

Thank you for the review!

Nice light house

The art texture really looks good and has some nice depth nice use of color too a nice piece like this I love the mix and your own style in there giving off a nice end result Now I like this and while its something you can still build onto, The cute character at the top fit well I like your efforts and would love to see more of this come alive but besides all that this was a very impressive art entry, Nice lighthouse and cute character good art piece


Ketchy-Wetchy responds:

Dang, thanks for the review lmao. Fr tho I'm happy u liked it^^


Nice comic

This is a good comic glad we can turn the page now and see more of it, There is some nice style of art coming from the portal and some good quality at that you bring on some nice quality and the art itself seems to come a life, The black and white comic style here does jump out at you This piece is large and In charge with a vibe of it's own and a few twists and turns at your own style nice energy, but anyways nice comic here


Nice creature

So this was an interesting creature would have been nice if the eyes glowed I found some good Inspiration to critique this awsome piece of art Some really nice flavour and quality with some good balance so in that note this was a solid twist of an art entry, Love the dark elements and the glow effects a nice character here It has its own bloom element with some nice polished finish, Nice and dark creature pretty good stuff


KajaG responds:

Thanks for the critique, I appreciate it.
Although the eyes don't glow because I was following a design for a character - this is fanart for this game called Hollow Knight ^^
But yeah, thanks again! I'm glad you like it.

Very good

So this was really nice work here I love the expression on his face you knocked that out of the park Love what you have done here I love the depth and quality of it all and you bring on some nice energy about it olid work here with this kind of element, Very good detail and love the texture you pushed too it's not any ordinary piece you seem to bring on some fun elements some good quality some nice vibes and just an overall nice good submission, anyways nice character with great emotion



This was very unique love the amount of detail on this and comming from the top view it looks very nice, the color element was very nice on this piece There was a lot of greenish colors but that was nice This is nice but still does have that intense feel on it and it's pieces like this with the unique visual that just jump and pop, I have to say I rather enjoyed this piece you bring a strong balance of your talents and it shows off well so I was pretty impressed, the color element was very nice on this piece


Wow nice

This paint style is so welldone very beautiful work here I did think there could be a hint of sparkle on the sword though Very unique and while it still has the unique element you have added in your own style and that's what made this nifty and unique, Great pose on this character and how he holds the sword So keep doing what you do because this was a plus for me to review these are the best kinds of art pieces to check out, Good piece of Link here


Very nice

The 3/D on tis is a beautiful visual the city the trees it all came together well was pretty impressed nice skills indeed, awesome job on the style here very intense and unique, Love the night visual too


Kamikaye responds:

Thx :)

Beautiful character

Wow you do some amazing work and this one here was very welldone, I love the hair off the top so rich in detail came out so well, A very nice art piece you have here You have something of good quality here This was kind of majestic and you bring some diverse visuals Great stuff here and nice style of art work here, I think some added frame or fancy border would accent this piece better too I can see you are dedicated to some refreshing and endless energy and effort, an amazing character here love that rich blur color too


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