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So this was a unique design and you have fuesed some ideas here the art texture and design is pretty deep though, it was downright a solid piece of art, with some good creativity I love the cig here, anyways nice job


Nice character here

The blue really works well for this character What an amazing art piece to find I for one look forward to even more from you because this was pretty amazing and just a nice sight for some artwork you have made some interesting strives here, I even like that you added on some solid backround and really accented the character very well amazing element make this a great piece and glad I found it just take your time and keep at it but then again you have knocked this one out of the park, once again great character here


Syrupmasterz responds:

Lil Skittles is a character from Crendor's BloodBowl series, and his clothes are a parody of what coach Bill Belichick would often wear as a coach.

Everything else is me trying to emulate Blood Bowl's aesthetics, so I appreciate the kind words. :)

Wow nice

This is one of my faves the black and white with bits of color such a beautiful theme, So as I get started I get a good smile because art is good in whatever art brings but I found this to be an amazing art entry, The detail within the black and white is always impressive with an amazing uniqie style to it This was a good art piece these types can be hard to review because of how good it really is, great mix of black and white and a hint of red



So this is a wild piece and very artistic too love the teeth though it has some really nice color and gives off an abstract visual, this one even has some inspiration of detail love the creativity here


All the greats

Well all the classics anyways but looks like they are all on one amazing adventure great characters here and amazing action scene on top of that, You have loaded this with a unique art element, and love the view shot here


Very nice

The visuals here maybe a mix but could really play out a story all are some nice work very good art detail, You have a nice piece of art here you brought out lots of nice elements in this and made it your own style, Hope to see more of your awsome drawings soon



So this was a cute little drawing a nice pose a good toned piece and just some nice lines on this character here very good character and sexy ofcourse, so keep doing what you do its pretty good stuff


Awsome stuff

So this one was pretty good I love the color and combo pieces in the whole piece and lots of nice character, the dreamcast cover is very impressive work, hope you make more of these awsome designs



Some more nice drawings and this one was really nice I could see this as a modern version of homer etc lol just needs some yellow lol, no but really some nice work here good character


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