
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very awsome work

The character is dang good the facial expression was very good so nice talents in creating that expression, The shiny metal on the armour was also very good, the shine was beautiful, so its an wasome character indeed


Love it

Your style of art always amazes me with the rich texture the intense detail and the epic movie like scene going on, Some fantastic visual here so with that said this was some nice work love the depth and this pushes out some nice details too some nice work on this art piece here, There is a lot going on in this piece and with so much detail love it A cool art piece here and you added in your own touch on this the fact you added your own style and theme here makes it even that much better, But anyways some amazing work love that creative mind of yours and rich detail


dogmuth-behedog responds:

Thanks again for your amazing comment Wayne.

Wow nice

So these are some really good character pieces and you have a way with some color, from a distance they almost look like sprites but these have some very intense color nice job indeed


BeefyThunder responds:

Thanks! I’m glad to hear they all look like sprites, makes them feel like they all fit well together


A beautiful scene here I love this epic battle and you have put so much detail into this too, some really nice fight here the color really jumps out at you here, talented and epic so awsome job indeed


Very nice

So this was a beautiful character here I love the very bright colors and the lighting effects really shine good on her, some nice body portions making for a nice curve outline here



And here we are with an awsome character that skintone cameout so good very beautiful texture and a beuatiful asortment of details and props even, very nice character work here looks pretty good


Day 30

So with day 30 it looked pretty good love the thicker line work and shaded points here you have created a good group of characters here and looking like fun times lol anyways nice drawing here


Amazing character

A beautiful and sexy look here just amazing work on the outfit love the BAT sign This is pretty good work on this character indeed making this sexy character come alive with this art element and just pours out a sexy look I like the flavor of style with this sexy character bringing in some nifty little details and that's a fun character indeed



This one is special it has the color and lighting effects that really shine and allow for the character to shine and glow even more and that made this character really good so nice work



Now here we go with the little mermaid a beautiful character and just like the original so props to you on an amazing classic character looks very good maybe more background ocean elements


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