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Very realistic

So with this one I found it to be very realistic the skine tones and textures are really nice and some amazing style here with some very intense style the skintone is just so deep and makes it look so real I also love what you did with the eyes I would suggest adding some glare on the glasses but not by much anyways keep up the amazing work it's a beautiful creation of your skills showcased at it's best moments

No changes it's a beautiful sight


Very nice

So this was cool I like the style here and the shading and detail within the character like the texture was really good with an intense visual here that clouded mistyic background was pretty nice too overall some really good stuff here



A beautiful piece of work here very realistic very intense with some realisim looks and style the facial expressions are very real so nice job on that you have some good skills and you are showing them off well and I do like what you are doing here so I encourage you to keep up the top notch quality here very good work and I look forward to even more from you anyways that's all I got for this piece

Some nice detail here don't have any ideas on this you have done a swell job


Oh wow

Wow this was really nice I really like the detail in this one you have some really nice texture and a female Daredevil was a nice mixture on this one I would love to see a frame on this one it's a nice portrait style piece you have here and would look pretty good in some framed work but anyways keep up the good work and do make more of this style like you have created here so nice job

Some frame work would go well here


Very nice

You really made them big so nice job here that shine on top of her chest was nice and the tube top to cover them was nice and still left a revealing visual so nice job there I liked it very cool artwork here I liked this one



A very "NICE-PIECE" of artwork here and with this one the backround really was nice your character work is very impressive you have some good skills and it shows well this was a nice piece overall, as for any improvments I think this is fine as is, anyways nice job.

as for any improvments I think this is fine as is


Nice character beast

This was a nifty "BEAST-CHARACTER" here the black backround is ok but some props or scene or backdrop there but as for your creation here it was a really nice job here, you have some nice drawing talents and you have showcased it well with lot sof detail keep it up.

the black backround is ok but some props or scene or backdrop


ThePaintedDogg responds:

Thanks. Originally it has a transparent background, but for some reason newgrounds didn't see it that way.

Very beautifull

So this was very beautiful piece here, the "MYSTICAL" glows and effects really allow for there to be a deep element the "FOREST-SPIRIT" is really nice, would love a more larger view screen on this one other then the banner like view but overall this was a nice piece.

would love a more larger view screen on this one other then the banner like view


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