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It is the two main characters in the one piece or vers eachother and seems pretty good some nice color and design of the characters here you are talented for sure and it shows here with Germain/Pauline


Beautiful pixel

Some very beautiful pixel and with the sun or sunset the colors came off just right A fine art piece here you bring all the details and make it work wonders on this piece and make it feel like something unique I also like that you add in your own style and mixture to this, All the color and lighting effect of the pixel just jumps out at you Its the twist and turns on this art entry that really drew me into this fine piece, Some amazing pixel here



I like the work here has like a paint style about it and the close ups came off well, A very nice piece of art here today the piece was good some nice flavour too to make this a nice element here some nice addition of visual detail in this one, The close ups once again are amazing and show that extra detail While I do give a full critique here seems like this has a nice bloom about it already, Great character here



So this was beautiful I especially live the lightning comming down and some good visual of the rain too I love the detail you have pushed in this one you have some nice talents too this was a plus all across the board I love the depth in how much detail does come from this and you gave it that good quality, A great character walking up and who knows lol Some really nice work of art here and you really bring it all together in this beautiful art piece here, but anyways great work here



So not sure whats going on here I always try and find whats in the visual seems like you really like to mess around with colors and seems fun it being a mecha of sorts I can see something is happening, almost feel like there could be more detail on the lavander backround, but besides all that this was once again another nice art piece here, and hope to see more soon.


Cyberdevil responds:

Mmm, it's just a futuristic design of some sort, I'm not sure either exactly. Looking at it now it seems a bit like a mining rig - might've been the subconscious inspiration...

This is nice

I love this design Little Red Riding Hood the color the texture the beautiful linework really comes off well you really know your stuff very powerfull character work would have loved more backround but this was some awsome work indeed, good art here with this stylish piece I would even slap a frame or fancy border for this piece regardless this was some amazing work


what a fish

Now that was a fish and looks like the fish is amazing the croud It has a mix of style and unique flavour that's always a plus with art A nice art piece with a twist and you can't go wrong with this style always a popular moment this was a solid entry, A good color on the fish and backround and created a fun nature element here A fine art submission if I do say so myself some good vibe and flavour on this tune you have here the unique piece coming from this is work really makes it a fun theme, Awsome nature piece here but that fish was amazing


Very unique

So this was very nice work and unique also love the different visuals here An interesting piece of art indeed njoy reviewing stuff like this so please do make more of this for us because this is the kind of artwork that really catches the eye, The black and white here was pretty amazing but also love the color version While there are a lot of interesting pieces that come through the portal I did find this one to really be a rare find, but anyways great stuff here


sinnykitt responds:

Oh my, Thank you so much!! I shall never stop!

Some nice work here

Looks kist like him also love the small details in the skintone What a fun art piece created here there was some very good areas and the whole piece has a nice visual element about it But I really enjoyed what you presented here, The green backround also came off well the skills you have you could make more stuff like this I love the desire you bring to the table, Some nice character work on Silva



So this was a really nice art piece here love the dark and spooky moment on this, I love the style here you give it some really nice quality but you also add in some good energy with the passion of the flavour it brings, Could even be a spooky comic page lots of scary elements and characters it was downright a solid piece of music full of energy and good vibes all across the board so nice piece here here, Nice talents nice detail in the whole piece


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