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Very nice

The line work was amazing this was a nice shaded element aswell, the black and white drawing was very nice indeed I might suggest some color only in the form of some blodd from the blade, Quick sketchy lines gives Jason the rugged look he deserves because he is a "RUTHLESS-KILLER", The lack of straight lines derails the tone of the image from anything related to neatness and stability, The aforementioned ruthlessness is symbolized through the dripping of blood from "THE-BLADES-EDGE", Absent colors also keep "THE-IMAGE" from being too bright, And possibly jovial dark shading is the perfect substitute for any color.

I might suggest some color only in the form of some blodd from the blade



You cant go wrong with some "METROID" the visual here was amazing so much detail and such a great "ACTION-SCENE" no changes on this beautiful piece of art here, so it was a good piece of art, And I do look forward to more of your work here soon enough. there are some things that could have a more Polish to it but its also fine as is.

no changes on this beautiful piece of art here


snailshu responds:

Wow, thanks for the feedback! I'm definitely tryin' to improve.

Love it

So here is another "GREAT-PIECE" love that use of color, allthough some added depth could be pushed on the backround though, but overall this was some nice work here, Nice and Polished blend here, Now I was really liking the work you put out here today it was something that put some nice effects and elements together

some added depth could be pushed on the backround though, but overall this was some nice work here


Beautiful tree

Well this was a "BEAUTIFUL-SIGHT" here I love what you have done with the "TREE" here, and love the extra long art canvus piece aswell, REally didnt find a need for any changes on this piece, The differing colors on both ends of the "TWO-LANDSCAPES" blend into the perfect "MIDDLE-GROUND" the dividing space is created by a shift in shade that’s gentle yet impacting, The natural, warm green of the upper area strongly opposes the intense, Aggressive red of the bottom area an emphasis is placed on the contrasts of these two areas, The vertical format also does well in highlighting the tones for each area good goes up, bad goes down, A piece of artwork with serious magnitude.

Really didnt find a need for any changes on this piece, you have done a swell job here.



So once again you bring some "BEAUTIFUL-COLOR" into your art the little tea cups or cup heads as you like to call them are very adorble and cute, I would suggest some small detail and design in the backround though, Some nice details here all the way around, nice effort all in the right places showing off some good detail. a nice piece here you have. I will call this one a great Exclusive.

I would suggest some small detail and design in the backround though



So the design itself is "BEAUTIFUL" but when I first saw this piece I have to say that the "COLORS" is what drew me to this and made me want to instant fave it it just has this beautiful visual effect here, And now comes the end of my review what Can I say that I have not already you are an amazing artists and the work shows in the visuals, and its been a pleasure to review

Yes and that suggestion is make more beautiful color based designs like this


Nice Style

A very nice "STYLE" with this art piece there seems to be some good "EMOTION" on the girls face, I feel like you could have added some backround detail here to tell more of the story that yerns from this, The texture of the drawing is flat, giving way to a clear image of the objects/person, A layered appearance is also noticeable such as the various streaks for her hair and shirt design, "THIS-PROVIDES-DEPTH" through added detailing The dull color scheme and the arrangement of parts of a skeleton in a flowerpot generates a somewhat dark tone, Still the themes of growth from flowers and the theme of death "SKELITON-CLASH", Granting the viewer the freedom in fishing out a message through it all.

I feel like you could have added some backround detail here to tell more of the story that yerns from this


Wow nice

Now normally I suggest adding backround but with the awsome use of colors blue for the character and peachish for backround this actually blends well, you have an amazing character here with lots of detail, maybe ad some shine on parts of her front view body, you have some Skillful Talent and its Endless, You should extend some parts in this art, and ofcourse some more polish is always good. this was a Large-Hearted art piece.

maybe ad some shine on parts of her front view body


ekajpalm responds:

Thanks for your suggestions mate! I'm happy you appreciate the color choices! As far as sheen goes, I agree with you. I actually tried adding some sheen to her, but it didn't really come out as well as I wanted it to.
perhaps in a later pic I can make it work better.

Thanks again! :D

Very cool

So this was something "REALLY-COOL" I like the blood and do think some added blood would be nice some dripping blood maybe some splatter on the backround and more glistering shine to the blood, but you do have a nice character here, very weel done keep it up.

More intense and shine to the blood.


So this was pretty solid

I really like the "BLUE" element here, the lighting effects come in good here, this was a great piece and only needs even if that maybe some frame work or fancy borders, Each blue shade contributes to a setting during the evening, The darker shadings are more "DOMINANT" over the lighter ones making the entire image very soft "ON-THE-EYES", A light source is apparent however through the "PURPOSFUL" additions of shadows, Structure is also provided for the buildings bestowing a realistic quality upon it, Lack of activity from living beings accompanying the evident late hour leaves a calming impression on the viewers.

only needs even if that maybe some frame work or fancy borders


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