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This was a beautiful sight the art style is amazing the talent shows and the people love it well at least I do thats what I see with this good quality art the detail shines a very nice submission here, Love the blues and the stars and or moons it jyst comes together Nice art piece here you bring a nice theme to the table you have gone even beyond that and created some mix of your own and that's a nice little change on things, A beautiful sci-fi element here


Very nice

The art detail is nice the skull like element is good the whole piece is very nice So my critique on this piece is that it is very unique and while it still has the unique visual detail element you have added in your own style and that's what made this nifty and unique, You have some nice depth in the detail and visual here You have even added in your own twist with some added details and polished blend, Awsome work here



Ok so this was cool I dont know who Grimmen is but this does look pretty scary has a very pumnkin halloween element, I think you could have even advanced on this piece with some added glow in the eyes and maybe even some backround specs or more of them but regardless this was some nice artistic work and a nice use of color or the few used but still overall some nice work indeed.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank you! The title was probably a play on the Grim Reaper, and... well, something else, not sure what other reference I might've mixed in there...

Ya know I like to keep things minimalistic... when doing these on a daily basis in particular. :P But good pointers!

Very nice

The hair reminds me of some flames here the dark backround was pretty intense too Some really nice artwork here regardless this was pretty good I thought and look forward to more of your art-works and hope to see much more pieces from you its unique and interesting, Great character here even like a portrait piece So with all that said this was pretty intersting I like some of the ideas in here, maybe adding some frames and or borders would be a plus



The tide of Terror is a beautiful piece and love all the green you really make it nifty especially with the lil lighting effects too Wow this is nice and I know there are a lot of themed pieces but you have gone ahead and made this with some of your own mixture of talents and that was all a plus here, Great character work too dark and detailed So hope you like this critique I love the twist and majic you added on this art entry here, Love the darkness and the green in this one


Nice drawings

So these drawings are pretty nice I love that you have a few of them too I really liked your creation here some good creative touches and feel to this whole piece but it was something new and differant and I really liked it, Some good action poses in these also very nice indeed There was a few ideas to make better but no need because the art piece was still great stuff and I was very pleased with this whole piece as a whole and creative element, You could even make a movie with the character detail here


Awsome character

So the dark element of the character is really nice very welldone and love the texture A really nice addition to the portal there was lots to see in this one and there was some good shown effort on your part and that keeps me really interested and wanting more, Even the backround was well detailed and love that dark element there was alot that went into this a dash of this and a dash of that you even added some fusions that made this work even better, Some awsome character work here


Love your talent

I always love your skills and talents on your art this was something unique with some beautiful texture and blends of some awsome color, I am always amazed at what people make so I am always pleased with stuff like this I think this is creative for blending the styles of art and design as you have done here today, Love the eyes too they really came out well Its always stuff like you have presented here that I really enjoy keep that vibe up, A beautiful piece of art and an amazing portrait piece


Very good

Now this was some very good work I love the depth in this and all the different characters and the detail really stands out too Love when the portal has fantastic works of art such as this submission An accomplished piece here entirely done and Passionately done, I also love the christmas element here you made it sparkle I was really impressed with this piece as a whole I love the deepness and the depth of it you really do know how to ad detail to a simple structure, nice christmas theme nice depth of character detail



This was dang good and an intense scene you also did amazing with color and such here A fine art piece here you bring all the details and make it work wonders on this piece and make it feel like something unique I also like that you add in your own style and mixture to this, Looks like an epic scene gonna take place love the art style here Its the twist and turns on this art entry that really drew me into this fine piece, Great art piece and colorful


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