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Now ofcourse the character is amazing and beautiful but that color and use of all the different color is just beautiful A fun find in the portal with these kinds of submissions A symbolic submission if I say so myself Love the dark form and nice color balance on it you have appropriately shown off some detail you have shown some good stylization, You have extended your efforts in this one and pushed the desire to create a fantastic piece, but anyways beautiful work here love that color


Love this

So added this as one of my faves, but have to say its such a beautiful piece with all the TV's I did something familuar like this, but you have skills beyond the next, A very nice piece of art here today the piece was good some nice flavour too to make this a nice element here some nice addition of visual detail in this one, Great imagination with this one While I do give a full critique here seems like this has a nice bloom about it already, The color was really nice and has that 80's element


Wow nice

The detail in the formation of the body really comes alive here I love the detail you have pushed in this one you have some nice talents too this was a plus all across the board I love the depth in how much detail does come from this and you gave it that good quality, Love the eyes too some intense visual detail and effects Some really nice work of art here and you really bring it all together in this beautiful art piece here, I also want to touch up on the backround how awsome it accents the main character hanging


Awsome char

I love that you had a black backround here and the colorful character accented very well love the outter lines too I tend to say create a good foundation and maximize that passion and energy into more success you have done just that Art at its best a very unique piece if you ask me, The vibrant and color element you used here was beautiful though really shines well this was something different and I like what you have done here and have presented something unique and different, anyways nice character nice color nice artwork


Very nice

This was a beautiful piece of art here I like the vibe and energy the character work is so beautiful and well done You cant go wrong with a nice art find like this one here This is like an endless yet large hearted and well dedicated art piece, Most of all I love all the characters in a poster like form, its like looking into your world from your eyes and honestly im ok with that because this was a beautiful art entry I love the freshness of this art piece, but anyways a beautiful piece of work with some awsome characters


Something different

So this was something different but was some good work and you all came together in making something different and unique so nice work indeed lots to see even the I see you one lol



I love the color element here and you gave the character that scary expression so it was right on target with the backround element, It's pieces like this that make it that much better so awesome job on the style here very intense and unique art style, Nice and spooky piece here good work indeed



Some spooky characters here love the backround here it really accented the spookyness of it all, it was downright a solid piece of art full of energy and good vibes all across the board so nice piece here here, Nice and spooky piece here


Amazing style

You have created a nice and odd world here love the color use too This was pretty amazing you showcase the beautiful pixel style keeping it unique and stylish beautiful especially with pixel pieces like this you really bring out some nice quality you have created some nice pixel visuals here I enjoyed it from the sparkle to the shine some amazing pixel work here today



A very nice work of art here with some Kubrick and love that you have the camera in there with him looking on very realistic to him, and the black and white theme here also a very nice touch some nice talents some good depth of the character here


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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