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So this one reminds me of something from the 50's maybe even before that the element is nice the use of color is amazing and the poster like design was very good indeed So my critique on this piece is that it is very unique and while it still has the unique visual detail element you have added in your own style and that's what made this nifty and unique, Love this poster element I think you could make more of these types You have even added in your own twist with some added details and polished blend, anyways nice talents indeed


Love it

First of all the pixel is amazing and to see all the different artists work here you can really see the detail of there talents and the pixel this was intense the fact that you are bringing the quality a live to the portal so keep doing what you do because this was a plus for me to review these are the best kinds of entries to check out, The HEX was such a good idea and hope you guys do more of these I have to say I rather enjoyed this piece you bring a strong balance of your talents and it shows off well so I was pretty impressed, Great pixel idea amazing pixel art


Good work

Nice work she is on the go the bike looks good almost think some added sparkle and shine could be in place, but the scene at hand is nice with the action scene good character and a nice bike


Wow nice

This was really nice I love the deep details and hanging coat that has all the flow of detail and that head was funny, and with the red backround this came off pretty well, a good character indeed and a fun meaning behind it



So this was an awsome piece here I love the digital world element here almost feal you could even put in more digital breakdown even but the character is amazing well detailed too so nice work here



I am loving the use of color here but all the characters seem to comeout very fresh looking, I love the twist and magic you added on this art entry, The color jumps and pops off well and overall a nice piece here


Those eyes

Some amazing work here especially with those eyes and dangling hands you have also gone in and made some changes to really mix it up and make it your own and for me that was some nice efforts, Nice and scary piece here good work


Very nice

This was for sure a different side of pauline but you gave it some nice hair and differant and it looked good, also love that this is like a portrait piece here, great version of pauline here



This version of pauline is nice I especially love the neaon-sh coloes like the backround and such and the character really came off well too has a dark element to it too, so nice job indeed on this character



A nice portrait type for pauline and she does have some good smile here I think adding on some added shine to the hair would have been nice, but besides that this was a good portrait piece of pauline


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