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Nice work

So this was pretty good This one reminds me of some sort of poster and adding on some frames and borders would be very nice, but some great work on this especially the character design here



So while it is some sort of advert the art itself is pretty nice love the color and shades and how it all comes together here, very unique design of detail and unique nature here, but anyways nice art piece


Diadantist responds:

Tysm! Coloring is my favourite part of the art process, I'm glad it shows. I wanted to do a pretty artwork for my DTIYS, not just advertise it but to show how Vinni looks! (But my secret evil plan all along was to lure people into doing the DTIYS >:) )

Very nice

I love the comic bubbles in this and you made it with some comical text bubbles lol, great characters really welldone and seems to have a good art style and those are some things that really stoodout for me so nice job here


Steamy scene

The tied up look is very nice indeed this was very sensual An erotic yet steamy scene you have really captured the passion within the scene itself and is pretty good energy too the lines are nice and are smooth too its all a nice work of passionate art here


Wow amazing

Just a beautiful lion here and with all the lighting and colors so vibrant a beautiful lion out on the range great work of talents here, A fantastic find within the portal here and great smooth lines and colors that make this awsome


Very nice

This was really cool some nice racing and the car has flames that was a nice touch on this one, This one is always a blessing and welcome for what it is, you do some amazing work love this pokemon themed one


Very nice

Good grief indeed this was some amazing work love the texture and depth of his face you have some nice talents and have really shown in and love the good grief here lol, you really ignite the flame of talent in this piece nice one here


Clown time

I guess its a really bad down looks like hes on a rampage I love me some clown time lol so nice effort here clowns can be fun and scary but you really made it look good with the small to heavy details but also add on some nice twists to the clown at hand



Well a down clown is not good lol atleast he has burgers on his mind lol With your entry here you have for sure created a unique design Clown mania at its best thats what I call this no but really this was some nice clown work dont get to see much clown work and detail but you have presented some very nice clown work here



Never seen these character types but have to say the design is nice and the color with the hot pink is pretty good very fresh and sleek design here on the character, this quality is always welcome This is something I would recommend to others, anyways nice character


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