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You are literally one of my favorite artists on this site and I do wish you had made much more artwork much more of this beautiful artsy style stuff this particular piece could use more frame work like a border or fancy stylish frame just an idea to think about for future works and such but alas this review comes to an end but before I do go keep up the good work you do some amazing stuff so keep it up

Some frames or fancy borders


Very nice

So very nice work here this was some of the best I have seen from you it has some really deep detail the texture is just uncanny and just a beautiful picture like portrait here infact the idea comes to mind that the art piece could use some frames or borders so very nice indeed I really liked it and think it's full of quality here anyways really good work here so untill next time keep in it real and keep gracing us with your beautiful artworks

Some artsy like frames and borders



And here we are once again with some more magnificent detail while this is an art piece you made it look so realistic the visual was very intense and just so detailed this is another one of those pieces where I would for sure ad more depth to that border maybe some darker shades of color and some detail like a design or something but anyways really nice work here so keep making great stuff

Maybe just more depth in the borders



Well here was another magnificent piece of art here with some very realistic style here on this one I like the depth of this it looks like a real photo taken sometime and you have presented it well so nice job here and I look forward to even more of your realistic style here this was a beautiful design anyways keep up the magnificent work as always and that's my take on this awsome design here

More depth in the frame or borders more darker too



And here was a cute piece a nice little character in a sexy and aluuring element the pearls are a nice touch I think you should have the pearls sparkle though would be a nice touch on this piece of art here anyways make more soon

Ad some sparkle on the pearls


Very cool

So this was really cool, I "REALLY-LIKE" the detail the little red spikes was well done maybe some added shine on those to show how sharp they might be, but regardless you have created a very nice piece of work here very beautiful visual here I love it.

Some sparkly shine on the red or orange spike


Very nice Apple

So here you have a very nice "APPLE" love the lighting effect in the "BACKROUND" you are very talented and I think the onlything the apple needs is some shine from the lighting well more shine in this case, other then that this was pretty good stuff.

Some added shine and glare from the lighting.



So this was pretty "CUTE" the backround was nice, the animation was even better, maybe some added effects with the dance some sparkles and shines might be handy, I like what you have done here and have presented something unique and different, and before I get started on this one I will say it is a pleasure to see unique art and style like this one, And now that we are at the end of the review I will say that it was a good find

maybe some added effects with the dance some sparkles and shines might be handy


Beautiful scene

So this was a beautiful "SCENE" here with a bear a fox and even a fish lol, nice idea on this one, the color and backround trees came off very well, the sunlight in the back setting would have been even better with some more dominant lighting comming out, other then that this was cool.

the sunlight in the back setting would have been even better with some more dominant lighting comming out


Very cute

So here was something "VERY-CUTE" and I have to say this was a nice "POSE" you went all out with this piece and added a nifty backround, the sparkle on the characters eyes was pretty nifty too, I wouldnt mind seeing some shading maybe some shine in the hair but thats just a suggestion, overall this was pretty good.

wouldnt mind seeing some shading maybe some shine in the hair but thats just a suggestion


DarkJazmin11 responds:

Thank you for your comment. Sometimes you don't need to add too much shade or shine, else wouldn't look that simple, cute or the way it is. And that's the way it is :)

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