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So this was pretty "AMAZING" love this "PAINTING" style here and the emotion on his face was very well represented, So with this piece of yours no changes are needed as you presented a fantastic piece here, overall this was actually notbad at all, Maybe a few more Polished areas that you could adress, And I do look forward to seeing more of your work. but untill then I hope you keep making more

this piece of yours no changes are needed as you presented a fantastic piece here


PkBlitz responds:

Thank you! the areas that aren't as polished are intentional, most of them at least. Thanks for the kind comment! (...I-I don't know why it's a 3.5/5 after all that you said, but hey I ain't complaining so thanks again)


some "AMAZING" work here everything about this piece was amazing the sharp lines the shines the backround the effects that come with it all, you have really impressed me here with this one, and here is a beautiful piece with no changes needed, so keep up the amazing work as always.

here is a beautiful piece with no changes needed



Wow I have to say you have an amazing "PIECE-OF-ART" here love the small details like the indents and shine on the "PUNCHING-BAG" the backround could use some of those same details, this is an Energetic piece with a nice Blend you have here is a mix of great unique style, here some good visual here with this art piece, its Dazzlling and Magnificent.

love the small details like the indents and shine on the punching bag the backround could use some of those same details


Nice work

Wow this was pretty cool I really like what you have done here with this one, some nice element of effects the "CHARACTER-WORK" is great the lighting effects seem like they could have more of a glow or vibrant effect other then that this was some amazing work you have here.

lighting effects seem like they could have more of a glow or vibrant effect


CatCouch responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I try to boost vibrant colors using Photoshop layer effects like "Overlay" and "Hard Light". It's hard to get the perfect effect as I either end up with dull or over-saturated colors. I'm still learning!

Great character

A great character you have here, the "EXPRESSIONS" the eyes all the detail are different then one another, the pink backround was fitting on this one, and overall this was great, you do have a nice polish of quality on this and thats what I noticed, so keep up the decent arts. Your art style has come full circle as this art style was pretty interesting and as I have already said its an amzing piece

So with this one no changes it was a delightfull art piece.


Very nice detail

So while I found the idea "SIMPLE" it has a complex element about it with some unique design great characters and faces the backround was the onlything that was bland here maybe some added detail there, made a decent piece for everyone to enjoy, there might be some improvments but not much at all. I love to Critique art and whatnot, Your Talent alone can Ignite a firestorm of art here and thats what you have done

backround was the onlything that was bland here maybe some added detail there


PixelCake responds:

the background had to be blank because it's going on a card and the client wanted it to be as blank as possible with the focus on the figures. normally I'd have put some kind of frame around them because you're not wrong, it IS bland - and thank you


Some nice "ELEMENT" here on this one, the glows and vibrant colors are amazing very beautiful with all the color here in this one, there is a nice scene going on here with this one and some nice character forms and poses, so all around some nice work here.

I would throw in some added color maybe some sort of magical colored frame even.


CatCouch responds:

I definitely struggled with color on this one. I started in grayscale and added color later. Some of it worked well, some of it doesn't pop as much as I'd like. I do occasionally put detailed frames on my art! Thank you for the feedback~


So this was a beautiful piece of art here I really love the detail and flow of motion in this still element the texture f the horse and the character was really nice it was the way you made this seem like it really was running that's what impressed me the most on this piece of art work here so very nice job here I like this piece very much anyways nice work here

No changes needed



So this was pretty nice work here I love how it's animated from puc to pic all though some added background would have been nice on each little character maybe even something subtle in the background would have been a cool idea but the artwork was simple and delightful at the same time so I was impressed with this little art piece here of yours anyways nice job here I look forward to to more from your works of art

Make more like this and some subtle background detail would be just as cool even if not it was a pleasure


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