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This clown was very cute the hot pinks came off well you have on this one and its those small ideas that keep me enjoying and reviewing designs especially clowns lol, This was some nice character detail especially for a clown lol


I like this

I really love this one the face came out very well I really enjoyed this one So with your entry here you have for sure created a unique design and fun clown on top of that you have some Very nice ideas


Very nice

A sexy clown indeed love the color use Some very nice work here I love me some clow designs and creations like this one here, so I do hope you make even more down the road its all a plus and the clown design and element is pretty good


Love this

You have an amazing view shot and to make it all come in focus was amazing lots of details Stylization and flair thats what I see you have presented here always some nice detail or even simple method of how it was created but this was notbad at all, All the props in the backround and as she looks upwards was great, What else can I say this was a unique piece and Im glad I can review such a piece you have some nice efforts and you bring some decent energy, A beautiful art piece nice detail great character work



Haha this is nice driving that cart This is pure inspiration and you even give it a special twist from your creative side That twist can ignite all the creativeness of your blend and polished work of art here, Nice and beautiful backround scene here too love the driving of the cart, What I will say is keep up the great talented works of art because I had some fun with this fine art piece, A nice artistic style here very beautiful talents


KajaG responds:

Thank you so much for the comment man, I'm glad you like this piece, and that it could give you a chuckle :D


So this was notbad some concept type of art with a splash of 3/D element and some fresh colors and really comes out pretty well here, love the 3/D element here, Its art submissions like this that I always enjoy reviewing anyways nice concept ideas



I am amazed at the color element here and nice design here great number of characters and some fun vivid colors and animation, nice talents in this one jump out there with good quality so nice work on this one



So this was nice almost looks like a crash and grab make a run for it haha, I like how this all came out and looks very welldone I will for sure look for your work in the future as it sparked an interest with me, Beautiful style of art and the penguins look amazing, It was a decent effort and it was different So nice job on this piece you have outdone yourself my overview of this whole piece is that you have outdone yourself with lots of talent, A nice art piece some beautiful results all it needs is a frame of sorts



A beautiful portrait like piece here some amazing use of color and I feel like you have captured her face just right the texture in the clothing was very nice, I was very thrilled with this submission diverse visuals and ideas, anyways nice character



The fine detail of this piece just speaks volumes and has some awsome scene elements here love that snake, it is intriging but I think its the kind of unique style that I have come to enjoy from artists like yourself so here is another fine piece of art, The texture and the color really came a live in this one and the rain detail was impressive, There are unlimited ideas that come to mind with this piece this was a fantastic piece of artwork glad I had the chance to review it, And with all that just wanna say you do some amazing work


TheGaboefects responds:

Thank you for doing a proper review of this drawing, I'll take your 4 stars like a badge of honor :3

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