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Beautiful work its very intense and so much detail like an epic scene and adventure here, The eyes the teeth the intense look, here you have it because its pretty gnarly but anyways this here was something unique and interesting keep doing what you do


Cute character I love the black backround so that the character itself shines with the refreshing color and some amazing detail making for a cute little gal here, I had some fun with this fine art piece it was actually really nice work indeed


Wow nice work all the different shots of the head came out good even with the shine on the helm, Especially like the eyeball detaols some very good headshots here very good detail and nice pollish, good job on this piece and future pieces hope to see more for sure because you did some solid work here today, anyways once again nice work


Cool so this was nice the animation part of this was notbad, a lot of purple in this piece and thats makes for some good creative blend along with that animation, seems like you could even go and make an animated series with this kind of content


Thanks for the warning haha, no but really it was a nice piece the flashy animation is good and smooth the character is nice and you have a lot of color here very nice indeed, This has a nice blend of artistic styles and radiates with your own style aswell


Well A tea owl something new everytime lol Im an instant fan of your work here with this entry very good piece of art here I like the theme you are going with here you are dedicated as you are talented, Once again some beautiful work a beautiful bird I bet you have designed almost every bird out there lol, refreshing you are too skillful and finally I have found more decent art work What you have here is a mix of a great unique style and some amazing visual detail, Anyways nice artwork and another beautiful bird design



Wow this was some amazing work it being some pixel was fantastic the pixel quality is very good, Now this submission here is something unique and different and you really make it something special I can see the ambition on this and its at a rapid pace of success, I do think with the swords there should be more shine and or sparkle, so some good and positive kudo's sent your way very nice a differant and just wildly awsome piece of art here, A great couple of characters and amazing swords love the pixel characters


Sly Wow sly looks like he is on an adventure very nice indeed love all the color and details in his adventure here An entry like this doesnt come around all the time glad I saw this submission so hope you will like my critique you for sure bring on your own special twist with some spiffy defined details all throughout the piece, The rainbow the mushrooms just the mystery of the world you have created for sly is amazing, with all that said here I go to end this little review but before I go I want to say you have a unique art style, I dont know who sly is but looks pretty amazing work here


Well this was absolutely beautiful the color for one is amazing the look on her face and the beautiful flowing hair and overall a sexy look very awesome and sexy character here so please do keep making these awesome characters


The then and now pieces are really nice I always love these pieces the character work is always unique love this series really showcases some comical elements too keep it up


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