
17,993 Art Reviews

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Beautiful character here and again the black and white was pretty nice with some awesome line work you bring on some beautiful work and nice design if the character


This was cute I like the animation of this and even with the text bubble you made it pretty funny lol, so a nice little comic piece here great use color element too, So props to you for such a fun piece here would love to see more of these


Love this So first off love the characters here and love the reflection image too and just came off just right, What a great way to start the day and find this little gem of a submission Your stylistic designs and ideas are awsome and very detailed and well structured piece of artwork, The characters have this vibrant color and really comes off well very nice, overall this was actually notbad at all anyways keep up the fantastic work, I love what you did here with the idea of this the characters and the reflection nice artwork


Oh this is nice, first of all I want to say all the different color on these was pretty nice and the abstract element was creative, A simple and artictic piece here I was pretty impressed with this creative art here so keep that up


Zilla and Kong

The running kings and very nice visual of them running like this and seems like they are in an action packed adventure with the explosion too, Something different and unique with this submission it was a pretty good presentation and something differant pieces like this always keep me interested because of the skillful and even stylistic ideas and concept, Cant go wrong with zilla and Kong, You put a nice little twist on this here was a nice and artistic style I really like the idea you have pushed here, A great epic art piece of these two greats


This was some nice work this here was some good character pices too with the photos and art detail also like the black and white element here, I even think a colored version of this would be pretty cool maybe even some colored frames of each little portrait keep up the great work and make more like this


I like these cube like designs of life would have loved to see some color in this one, the plain design is actually nice with the dynamic view of the linework, kudo's sent your way very nice a differant and just wildly awsome anyways great cube design here


Zhon responds:

Thanks! Yeah this is an abandoned WIP, I had big plans for it but life happened lol. If you wanna see though, @Mabelma ran with it and made a great piece! https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/mabelma/quarentine-room

Very nice

So here was another part of that amazing comic not as long as some of the others but you bring on some good detail in each frame, A very impressive entry that you have graced us with The efforts of your labor come through and it shows strong with detail so I for sure am excited for more of your work, You have some nice story depth in the comic too and the art is amazing, You have impressed this reviewer right from the moment of visual impact here so keep that aspect of talents up, Once again a nice comic element here enjoyed it


Very nice work indeed and love how you do lots of these the art style is smooth and fresh and you do lots of characters, finally I have found more decent art work and you bring the skills with these character designs so awsome job once again


Beautiful work

Now this was beautiful work and for a cover piece it really captures the visual scene and detail of it all, Very impressed in what you have created here today you have some amazing ideas and that shows here it is glamorous cant wait to see what else you do come up with, The action within this cover and probably the comic looks intense I will be looking forward to seeing more of your efforts in art and creativity because if its like this piece it will be amazing work, Your talents shine with the art detail and its a nice cocer peice


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

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