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Cute again

So heres that familuar character of yours that you present and she is a cute and adorble character, I would love to see an on going comic going with this character maybe you already have one in the works but regardless this was a nice fresh piece with some nice talent behind it.

As mentioned above.


HorseFolder responds:

I have a whole series of animated shorts with her on here, check 'em out.

Very nice

So here was a colorful cartoon you have here, it has some great looking characters and some nice use of color I think adding some added sparkle and shine on some thing smaybe the chrismas tree might be a nice touch up here, other then that this was some nice work you have here.

Some added sparkl and shine on the tree.


Really nice 3-D

Its that style that I enjoy about this particular piece from the polish to the actual design, Some really nice 3-D work here, and hope you "DONT-STOP-NOW" and hope to see more of your great "3-D-WORK" because you do bring a unique style to this kind of format.

make more 3-d stuff



so this was a nice and cute piece you have here I really like your style here the fresh colors and close up character very nice indeed, some added backround on this would be nice too, but besides all that this was a nice and fresh looking character you have created.

maybe some slight backround detail.


Very nice

And once again you have created some very beautiful work some fancy line work that has some nice shaded work and comes out well and I was pretty impressed with it all I would even ad some colored frames or some colored shading to the drawing itself as this was pretty nice work as it is here so really nice work on this one anyways I look forward to more from you very soon

Some added colored elements would be nice



Now this was some beautiful art you have here the drawings themself was pretty well detailed with lots of shading and some added color here I think making the color more vibrant with sharper lines even would even bring this out more so nice job here it looks pretty good anyways I look forward to more of your work it's some nice detail upu have here

A few things mentioned



So this was pretty cool I really like the work here this almost reminds me of trump a little the borders are pretty nice and could use for some depth within the borders but overall this was pretty cool stuff and a very artistic piece of art here so nice job indeed I do look forward to much more from you and with some much more detail within the borders everything else was pretty solid work

Some added design and depth in the borders


Very nice

So this was pretty cool and this was pretty awesome this was some nice detail I like all the lighting points seems like you could have some more glowing points but for the mostpart this was pretty good I like the the characters here with some nice design and creation here some really good visual here of these awesome looking charchters anyway keep up the good work and always

Some extra glow


Very nice painting

This was a nice painting I thaught some coffee in the mug would have been a nice touch, A domestic feel is present in the "PAINTING-BASED" on the physical objects there a mug a tablecloth and an apple in a clear plate Presumably the setting was that of a kitchen table, The shadows and angle of an indirect yet natural light source also serve for what could be a window situated "OVER-THE-TABLE" The edges of every object is soft as are the colors, The objects are also three-dimensional giving them definite "VOLUME" and a realistic look.

I thaught some coffee in the mug would have been a nice touch


Nice painting again

I like the "HAND" and that lighting or sun beam comming in on the hand was a very nice touch, Although the hand consists of what looks to be rough sketchy lines the detailing is still apparent enough in that it retains a quality of realism, The horizontal layout of the painting makes for two sides one of which contains the natural light source, The other is darkened though both hold an array of overlapping lines These lines are not thick nor dark, they slowly grow into transparency as they grower nearer to the painting’s light source.

The lighting seems like it coould have been more dominant and spread out much more.


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