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A nice dark piece here and I enjoyed it very much, Onlything I would ad or take away here might be adding some small source of shadinging and lighting source in the backround maybe something that keeps the dark element going, The stark white complexion of the person’s face and hand goes well against the "BLACK-BACKROUND", A lack of definition in the edges and details in the "FEATURES" plays out into a sinister tone for the painting. The stretched out form of the face creates distortion, which fuels suspense and adds to the "OVERALL" disturbing look of the art piece. Very shaking.

Onlything I would ad or take away here might be adding some small source of shadinging and lighting source in the backround maybe something that keeps the dark element going


Black and white

Another cool black and white I wouldnt mind adding some colored borders on this to accent the black and white more, The little visual points that really pop out at you, you have a "GREAT-EYE-FOR-DETAIL" and your talent makes the visual come alive, its stuff like this that allows me to enjoy these black and whites even more, so "KEEP-MAKING-MORE" of these types they are pretty nifty.

I wouldnt mind adding some colored borders on this to accent the black and white more


Very Nice 3-D

Very nice form of the "3-D" structure, would be nice if some color was added within this in its next wave of progress, The edges of the structure "ARE-RIGID", and the structure in itself is three-dimensional. It "MIMICS" something to be seen in real life, holding true to an authentic quality. Symmetry and "BALANCE" is evident at every angle. Little details are not present, however the digital layout is a nice reference to an actual building.

would be nice if some color was added within this in its next wave of progress


Love the use of color

Some really beautiful color here, you have shown some deep reds here and with the blacks it really blends well seems like the top half was very bland and could use more detail and some depth up there, a nice art piece here though anyways great stuff here.

Some filling in spots at the top.


Very fine detail

Well presented and some very interesting detail, "YOU-BRING-FOURTH" what most dont, There is some very nice "FINE-DETAIL" here with some interesting added twists and elements, Its stuff like this that I really enjoy while colored pieces are great theres something about the black and white ones too.

Maybe some added borders on this one.


You do some nice work

So you do some amazing work with color and really make the character standout along with some nifty backrounds aswell you have some nice formation and pose on the character aswell, I might suggest adding some color border or frames on this one it was an interesting concept but still pretty good stuff here.

Some colored borders would be nice.



So very nice "USE-OF-COLOR" love the bright colors and vibrant visual here, almost feels like you could have put a little more attention on the pink backround, Differences in marking are apparent bold and faint lines make up the "STRUCTURE-OF-THIS-PERSON" though the markings vary, they each "COME-TOGETHER" to create a rough look, Physical disproportionality such as the elongated head shape, further alienates this person. These all tie into the person’s statement of similarity to an invisible presence thus "HINTING" at a possible critiques of beauty standards and/or societal acceptances by the artist.

almost feels like you could have put a little more attention on the pink backround


A nice scene

So this one here was pretty nice, I love the scene here filled with all sorts of stuff going on I do think some added moonlight comming down on the action would have been nice, but overall this was pretty good stuff very nice artwork here I really liked it.

some added moonlight comming down on the action would have been nice


Another artistic piece

So here was another artistic piece of art here you have some nice use of color love the shades and deep texture you push forward on this, even the backround elements of color was pretty nice too, some very deep color and thats what I really enjoyed about this.

Make more great pieces of color and artistic elements like this one.


Very nice

Wow very nice and this is pretty artistic aswell, you have some beautiful talents, the glass was nice I would suggest adding some more shine on the edges of the glass let it really sparkle out, maybe even reflect onto the mushroom like plants, but besides all that this was pretty cool.

Some added shine and sparkle on the edges of the glass.


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