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An interesting image here

Now with this one seems like you went all out, you have lots of color and even borders and frames, thats something i try and tell others about, and here you have really presented that, I like it how you didnt kill it with color either, but you really had some in there and some not colored, so that was pretty neat, i like the style with this as the linework was pretty impressive and again it all came together so really nice job once again, Now this had a sorta meaning to it and thats what i also liked about it, with the bottle and such, i think you should have had the bottle colored with some portion of color for the soda amount or whatever it was, it was notbad at all, and i had another pleasure of reviewing this, another pleasent piece, if anything can be improved i would add a touch of backround color but not too much, anyways nice job.

Just a tint of shade in the backrounds, and some more tint color in the bottle were the liquid cuts off.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for the long review X!


Hmm now this was interesting, it seems to work for the holidays and the theme you were going for, i like all the design and bright colors i thought, seemed very pleasent,, and just right, it was abit artistic and had all these colors just really made for an awsome piece, i like the light beams coming down, and what i really liked about this was the, Differant colors and how they all flowed into eachother giving the next, a much new feel then the last, really great stuff all around i thought, Would have been nice if you added some town and people down there somehow would make it even more pleasent, so all and all, a good piece here nice and pleasent colors that all blended well together, and overall i give this an A+ So nice job indeed, i Really liked it.

I would ad some people a town and show them in there jolly way.


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeah, people would be a good addition, thanks for the review!

Fantastic design and detail

and wow this was as awsome as they can get i suppose, so much "DETAIL" from the eyes to the horns and lots of fine detail here and there it all just really flowed as one but there are somany pieces, i even noticed that the horns were almost transformed into like moons, now with this one on the color seems if like a fresher color tone was used then in the other ones, but again and you will probably hear this alot from me but ad another bit of color to have more focus on it, but you are on the right track with the amount of detail and effort you put on, anyways verywell done here. So improvments would be to ad some color maybe some bright reds and or blues as explained for some focus since there is so much all around and such. anyways once again nice job.

Well again i suggested some color just a tad here and there.


Jakubias responds:

Roger that! Thanks for pulling the effort to actually write something with sense, I appreciate it!


Ok so here is another great piece and you are going on my faves list, but anyways with all your work including this one you give meaning to these pieces you do like this one with the drawings and such, very welldone, the sketching of all this, is very well done and seems to all fit well together, you also really make it all kinda funny in a way that you dont see, so props to you for making this an awsome piece, Now to improve onto this i thik it could have a more "BORDER" like presence, so it seems like a poster type of thing, so maybe ad frames/borders onto it, the text shows it off as something like that, Now again i say ad abit of color like maybe the pile in his hand could be slowly turning into gold or something, just to give the idea, but anyways it was a nice piece as always and glad to see your work on here, keep up the good work.

I suggested possibly some borders and frames, but its just an idea, and you already have something really good.


Jakubias responds:

Thanks, that border thing might actually work.

Brilliant piece

Really awsome artwork here, i really noticed, it right off the bat, but anyways you are a unique, artist and your drawings, the style is really neat, it has some good full view of lots of detail, and i like the one tone it is, but i would like it to have is some color not alot, just a little bit like little points here and there, like say for this piece you could have the picture as is except the backround star could be in color like a red or even yellow to really bringout things, but fro the mostpart its some pretty interesting work that i really enjoyed, and i do plan to checkout some of your other works, this one with the frogs was very welldone and lots of detail, and does show off some story you really presented it well, and im glad i had the chance to review this so nice job indeed, The color tone on this was very neat, so keep up the good work.

Maybe a touch of two-tone-color, would be nice but its pretty good.


Jakubias responds:

Thanks! Maybe someday I'll do little experiment with those colors.


Now i have not seen work from you in a long while and this was pretty impressive, now here you really give some story in this image, the "MIBDCHAMBER" and such a brilliant piece i thought, very dark though, might be kinda neat if it was somewhat brighetr, or have the brighter parts more brighter like really lighted up or something like that, Or another idea might be here would to have the robots eyes "GLOW" somehow maybe a neon color like red or green i think it will give that alive feel, kinda like a mad scientest has just created his Frankenstein or something hehe, but anyways great colors here and verywell done, and awsome job all around, cant wait to see more of your work and the many robots aswell, so awsome job.

I suggested maybe glowing of the eyes, and maybe more brighter shining or lighted points, just a few ideas i thought.


Needs brighter colors

Hmm now this one was the most oddest ones of the bunch, while it does remind me of a wolf and is the most clearest of all the other designs, its also seems to have abit lesser quality to it, it might be because the texture is not showing so well or theres less color to this, it might even be that the color is that of a darker one, something to think about, as the Brighter colors "RED" "BLUE" "GREENS" tend to comeout much better, the whole moon above is also kinda odd, and the "LETTERING" seems too think over the other designs, but anyways its not my faveourite by any means but i still like it, and as i have said in the others it has a pattern likeness and needs that extra push to give it its own "UNIQENESS" for this one i think it needs a brighter color, I would suggest using more then one color, like you could have the Wolf one color and the "MOON" another brighter color, it might show off better, and then as said before backrounds would be nice and give it that uniqueness i been talking about, so these are all things to think about when creating these and or new designs.

As stated, something with more of a personal touch on each one so they are not such the same, in this one some new colors for the wolf even a second color for the moon would sufice, the texture was just not showing up in this one.


MonoFlauta responds:

yes, the problem is the photo because i dont have scanner yet u.u but thanks for the review!

another decent pattern

and now for the Japanese Tiger, The "BLUE" really looks good here, i wouldnt touch it much if you did bring it out into other art programs to spice it up, the "TEXTURE" really shows up on this one, now i must say this tiger is my favourite of all your work, mainly because the texture does show up more then the red dragon, but i do feel like the red dragon that it could use some effects such as the red dragon again some glowing effects maybe it be the "EYES" or maybe in this case it could be the "TEETH" and eyes, but you get the idea, and i do believe it would improve on thse works, another reason i do say this is because all these Japanese styles all seem the same and only differant is the "SHAPE" so it tends to be repetitive and not much changes except the shape, so you have to give something extra to each one so it doesnt seem the same everytime, an idea like i said on the dragon would be to ad some backrounds, maybe you ad a backround for each one that represent the animal more, and in that sense it would not seem the same everytime you make a new one, because the backround would be differant aswell. anyways good luck on your next entry i did like this one most of all the ones you have.

Backrounds and other effects could be used so these are not all the same style, each one needs more uniqueness then the other.


MonoFlauta responds:

oks thanks for the review :D (I made the same mistakes in each draw lol)

Its Decent.

Ok so i thought i would start on this one as i like dragons, and you used one of my faveourite colors, so nice job there, i am thinking that these designs you have are pretty impressive but i also think you need a mixture of program use, like say if you used photoshop and or paintshop pro you could really "DAZZLE" it up woth brighter colors, and some other effects that would really bring the dragon out, also i wouldnt mind some backround scene, as it would also bring out the picture more in "FULL" say like you could have some black and white backround then the red dragon, that would really put some focus on the main item at hand, just a few ideas that would really bring this out in focus, The texture is notbad on the dragon but again the color could be sharper and even have more texture with other programs, but also as it is now with the pencils i think its notbad and looks ok, As another idea i wouldnt mind seeing some "EFFECTS" on the eyes, like you could have them "GLOWING" or something, So all in all its a nice design of a dragon i like the style, could use a few things here and there but i did enjoy it, so nice job.

As explained, a few fixes here and there, some glowing of the eyes, some brighter colors in the texture, maybe a black and white backround so theres more focus on the dragon and still giving the image a full effect.


MonoFlauta responds:

ha yes, a black background would be awesome and a metal color for the dragon i am thinking it would be better with a bit of red... thanks for the very usefull review!


Ok so here we go, another great piece with the great effect of the sunlight, now to be tottally honest this is some of my fave stuff from you and you should do that more with your newer works of art, and from looking at this older stuff you can see the changes you have gone through with all the differant art pieces, very nice indeed if you ask me, but as for this one the "STARS" again i think are too much here, but that can be easily fixed with making some larger ones and losing a few others, now as for the "SUN-GLARE" the one coming off the planets with the rings thats a neat little trick but i think its one of those old tricks im not so sure that might be the actualy effect in space or maybe it will but, im thinking you do need to come up with some better ideas there, but with all that said, you have presented another great piece, not my fave like the other planets and such, but still ok with me, now this may have been the last piece of art i have left to review, it has been a pleasure reving these and i hope to review more when you have something new, so good luck in future stuff.

Here would be less stars and larger ones at that.


Shikhs responds:

thanks for the review i will make more for you to review

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