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Very nice and unique madness

Nice, this was cool I like the color theme with the weapon, now with this particular piece the backround could use for some added details, Wow this was some beautiful art style here Very nice and unique madness element that you have showcased for us all to enjoy you have made a great art piece here, I really like the style here very good effort and some nice energy and detail so keep making great madness art.

now with this particular piece the backround could use for some added details


Beautiful piece of art here

This was some nice work love the expression on the face you really nailed it I do think some added shine on the helmet would be a plus, The backround detail is very impressive as is this whole art piece you really make for some beautiful artwork here so nice job.

I do think some added shine on the helmet would be a plus


Madness a new era

Really cool drawing here love the red eyes would have been cool to see some added glow from the eyes, Well here was another great madness, it was very entertaining and brings on a Madness in a new era, so really nice job here. love how this looks on a visual first point as it really jumps out at you, some really nice artwork here, I like the idea and you did a fantastic job here.

would have been cool to see some added glow from the eyes



So this was a nice piece of art I like all the characters here and even cute love the vibrant color you have added here to as for any types of changes I really dont think you need any it was some solid work indeed, But anyways thats what I take away from this fine piece.

I really dont think you need any it was some solid work indeed


Love the character

So I love the character here the animation was nice, wish the backround had a little detail but regardless it was nice, A refreshing piece of art and design, and shows off the talent from within, and shows you really outdid yourself with this one you do some amazing work

wish the backround had a little detail but regardless it was nice


A cool piece

I love these shelter pieces this particular one is very colorful love the detail all around really nice work, no changes needed, props to you on this wonderfull and fine piece. Kind of Symbolic but as always Appropriately done with some nice Polish here and there.

really nice work, no changes needed



The facial features and emotion really have some intense look and detail the backround was notbad but colorful would be nice with some added borders or frames on this particular piece and would allow more focus of the main visual, Keep making great art.

would be nice with some added borders or frames on this particular piece and would allow more focus of the main visual


MyNameIs8 responds:

Thank you for your comment! :D

Really awsome artwork

The character itself is amazing as an idea more flames and smoke would be cool, I am loving the art style here and love the detail that you put in here aswell, bringing more of a live effect the artwork itselff is well done and gives that some nice elements

The character itself is amazing as an idea more flames and smoke would be cool


This was nice

The colors are nice would have loved more brigheter elements but its pretty good stuff I have no ill things to say here it was some solid artwork, so please do grace us with even more art work and art styles, would love to see more of your work, so nice job.

I have no ill things to say here it was some solid artwork


Very deep

So this was really deep texture and detail within the face I was pretty impressed with it the backrounds seems like it could use something or maybe adding some kind of frame or borders to make it look fancy or something, very nice work here and was pleased to be able to review your work here today and I hope I can review more in the future so keep doing what you do.

adding some kind of frame or borders to make it look fancy or something


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