Very nice use of colors and blending
Now i noticed this on your profile and thought i would review it, its actually pretty good, i like the "LIGHT" touch of colors, on the bird and the over view ground, Now i dont really know much about this type of bird but i wouldnt mind seeing the the wings span abit more, really great use of colors and how you blended it into the next one, the overview shot of whats below, atleast i think thats what it is, but you should show more stuff down there maybe some shrubs, some dirt piles, maybe hills and even trees, might give the whole art piece more idea of where the bird is flying through, another thing and or effect that might be nice, is maybe addome some not alot but some "WIND-STROKES" its not really needed but seems like it could be just another added effect that may improve on your art piece, so with all that said i did enjoy this, i didnt even know you had some art but glad to know i found these, and hope to see more of your work sometime soon, and keep up the awsome art stuff, this was very original i thought.
As stated above some more overview, of whats below, trees, dirt trees, etc, and maybe even some windstrokes aswell