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Bored fellow.

Ok well notbad on this one it is very {SIMPLE} and subtle thats not a bad thing, the mountains could get lonely i suppose and bordem hits in, so you did hit it right with his/her expression and all, you gave it some light and basic colors and feel for that matter, i yhink one issue i do have would be that you should show more of the mountain and such, everything is pleasent i think you also need another focus point something that shows how bored he or she may be, the paint style looks fresh and stylish, but again you should show more of the art like a full on art piece, anyways nice job on this cant wait to see what else you have for us, anyways keep up the decent work.

Spread the mountains out more to show more of that bordem, and also show more focus on that maybe some anamal has more fun like a snall rodent or snake even.


InsertFunnyUserName responds:

Hm, I hadn't thought about that. Thanks for the review.


Oh wow, this looks very good, Now with this art piece alone you have me very interested, in this comic so i do hope you finish it, now from this piece you have gave alot to focus on and think what could be happening or will happen, you left lots of props and lots of action so thats cool, and nice work on the details with each character and element in here, wouldnt mind see more blood splatter around maybe walls bed etc, but really i look forward to seeing more from you on this one, as for improving the little details are working keep up with that, maybe more blood next time. anyways it was a pleasure once again, hoping to see more soon.

More blood splatter, and more key points of detail.


dommi-fresh responds:

didn't want to over do the blood.

Decent but could have more

Nice work on another Zombie something you really seem to enjoy and thats not a bad thing, i like this one cause you really gave it that {GRUNGE} look and you also aged him, kinda reminds me of zombies from the one and only George romero i think thats how his name is spelt, but anyways it is a poster as you seem, but the backround would look more poster like if you added some more to that backround besides just the wording, it just seems too {BLAND} back there and seems like you could spice it up with a number of things, maybe some blood, or brick wall or anything really but needs more to it and that would probably be the only points of improving i would think, its decent though just a tad bland.

So the backround was bland i suggested above some ideas maybe adding a brick wall, maybe some based color that works well with the wording or maybe even some other wording in there, so a number of things could be added to make it a little less bland and more poster like.


dommi-fresh responds:

posters are meant to be eye catching and a complex back takes away from that.

Love it

Now these four drawings or doodles are all pretty good and i can see why you scanned them they are abit more then just doodles they actually cameout pretty good, i think you should have gave them {ALL} funny quotes that related to them and there movies/shows, not sure what the first one was but it was great and you showed good detail in that one so nice job there, and you know me with color and backrounds i wont bring up backrounds but would have been nice with some color take the first one againthe spitting could have been {BLOOD-LIKE} something like that,I liked the woody and buzz in there being crude and rude in there old ways hehe i really like how you think and love some not all but some of your drawings, but besides that keep up the awsome drawings and in this case {DOODLES}..

The first one could have had some color to reflect some blood spitting, and you should give them all funny quote bubbles,


dommi-fresh responds:

jesus your piccy dude

Decent could use more though

Nice job on this, i actually think you could have turned this into a {COMIC} cover , with dc and all that comic galore, i like it with the black and white theme, it gives that old feeling to it, and the {DRAWING} is really welldone, also love the little details you gave it like the {SMOKE} and even added some {COLOR} on the back end, very nice eye for detail there, I do like the B/W style but would like to see more color even if its adding to the color in the backround, Now the comic feel is there so some changes and fixes might be as explained before adding it like a comic cover of sorts or even just some borders, but still a good piece you have here, keep up the nice artwork.

Make it like a comic cover ad the details you see on a cover like episode, quotes, and or the DC logo and all that good stuff, it will add to the detail of it already.


dommi-fresh responds:

dc logo on a marvel character? i smell a suing

Awsome gore

Oh boy now this is something i really like to see, lots of {BLOOD} and very good gore here, now there is some differance is some of the blood some is just shooting out while others are just flying around, and i thought that really gave it a realistic feel to the whole art piece and really sets the tone when someone sees it for the first time as myself, I wouldnt mind have seeing more differant colors other then the oranges though, maybe if it was mixed up abit more it would show more of the {DETAIL} like armor and such but i guess these are the {300} type characters, but anyways you do show some nice detail regardless of the color, some ideas of improving would have some bones? maybe half bone with some meat on it? could show more gore and how bad the fight really got, anyways just an idea, it was a pleasure seeing this hope to see more of your awsome work real soon.

Have more body parts laying around even some showing some bone, also more texture in the blood would be another nice idea.


dommi-fresh responds:

more body bits there is only so much i can fit on the page dude seriously WTF?

Awsome real expressions here

I really llike this one, you seemed to really go all out on this one, the colors shading and linework looks like alot of time was spent on this, the backround is not much to say much about but still you gave it something there, now you also gave this some decent {EMOTION} it looks like there is alot on the characters mind his facial expresions express this feeling and to get that down on a still art piece is awsome you see it now and then, and love how you had that here, it reall makes everything more of a story and all, so awsome job on that aspect of things, as to improve i wouldnt mind seeing more {BLOOD} detail on stuff and all, like the bag he is carring maybe have it dripping or something, anyways nice job.

Wouldnt mind seeing more blood stains and such give it the resluts of more emotion as is on his face expressions.


dommi-fresh responds:

again i disagree it not all about the blood stains. sometimes it is right to have a blood drenched character but not all the time.


Ok so i found this one to be pretty funny, the blue head character was amusing and love this little comic strip you really gave the characters emotion and made the setting what it was, the text font was ok but thought maybe a better {FONT} could be in place maybe something more stylish, So you gave this some funny humor ok writing and with your awsome art skills it all panned out perfectly so nice job on this from all fronts, i would love to see you continue this more as like in a series of comics that might be something to see, but anyways fanncy fonts for the text next time but other then that it was fantastic.

As said, maybe some improved text font?


dommi-fresh responds:

fair point made can't really bitch about that.

Awsome effects and color

Wow you have really improved over the past year and all, i remember seeing you first doing these lighting effects and i must say this one may be your best, everything is in place for good showing, that lighting effect is always great and with all the differant colors it makes the color really standout so awsome job there, i was wondering when you were going to get back to the lighting effect style, now ofcourse anything can be improved on, and this one i could see adding some {BITS} of stars here and there just a little nothing overdone though, just some specs here and there for stars and such, but anyways it was a pleasure seeing your work once again, make more stuff soon.

adding some tiny specs for stars would improve on the backround element.


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